Foex Mart


Monday, December 20, 2010

Sample CV and App

Depok, January 27th, 2010

To: HRD Manager

Dear Sir / Madam

According to the information about job recruitment from Media, that your institution opens vacancy which one of the background from English education. With enthusiasm, I wish to apply for the position related with my knowledge in your institution.

I have graduated from Senior High School in Malang on July 1999 and I continue study STKIP Kusuma Negara (School of teaching and education). I have more knowledge about education especially English education. I also have skill about computer: install / uninstall software, internet explorer, and familiar with MS office.

My strength includes being also to work well with variety of personalities, to cooperate with people, and enter easily into new situation with creative and positive attitude. In addition I am persistent, honest, and reliable.

Should you need to contact me, the best time is between 08.00 and 11.00 or after 02.00pm at 081319519313 or 085695374001. You can also contact me at

Sincerely Yours

Imam Muslim

Name : Imam Muslim.
Current address : Jatijajar RT 02/01 Cimanggis.
Address : Jl. Lawang Gintung no.30a
Komp.ABRI Sukasari Bogor.
Contact numbers : 081319519313 or 085695374001.
Email :
Date of Birth : June 03rd 1981.
Place of Birth : Malang.
Sex : Male.
Marital Status : Single.


Year Name Institution
2008 - Present STKIP Kusuma Negara
1996 - 1999 Technical High School
1993 - 1996 Junior High School
1987 - 1993 Elementary School


Languages Indonesian, Javanese, and English
Dialect Javanese
Computer Knowledge Install/ Uninstall Software, Windows series and Application, Also familiar with MS Office


activities Computer Course
Hobbies and
Interests Ping Pong
Reading Text Book

Sunday, August 08, 2010

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Friday, April 30, 2010

Islamic Culture History

Sunday, April 25th, 2010

Mr. Solichun Mag.

- Art
- Literature
- Religion

- Politic
- Economy
- Technology

The study including: idea, action, and result.
Islamic culture = Religion make affect culture but
another religion = Culture make affect religion.

There are four regions the study of Islamic culture.
1. Influence of Arab culture (Middle-East, Africa, including Islamic Spain).
2. Influence of Persia culture (Iran and Islamic monarchy center-Asia).
3. Influence of Turkey culture (Western-Europe and eastern-Europe).
4. Influence of Islam India.

Whereas Islamic study in Southeast Asia including Indonesia is the study which caught up.
Mogul nation (is not India nation or Mongol)
Mogul is a member of the Muslim dynasty that ruled India until 1857.

Istanbul = Constantinople
The great wall = giant wall in china, 6300km = 6.5 X Java island, have function to hold back brunt of Mongol nation.
Aqsha mosque (green dome)
The Grave of Imam Hussein Ali in Carbala Iraq.
Addin = Pure religion
Religi = religion culture.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


Wakeup everyday early morning and read discourse in your field for 30 until 60 minutes underline and note it. Thinking of how you can apply what you learned in your job everyday. Along day, thinking of how you can use what you have learned more effective. In the end day, back review those day based on knowledge, and your new skill and evaluation result and your progress.
Any important psychology principle which called: “Hawthrone Effect”. As briefly, this principle said: “action give attention to definite behavior help you increase your performance in that field.”
For example, if you decide that you will develop habit to listen the other people with properly while they say and refrain to do interruption. Action to think to listen make you good listener.
If you decide that you will focused on timely everyday till you develop pertinence time as a habit, all mind to timely will you make timelier in personal life, and your professional. Much more you think about behavior, you will be better in that field.
If you read discourse of your field for 30 until 60 minutes everyday, and think of along day how you can apply what you have learned. You will inclined be better on what you’re to do, right aware or not. Escalation result that you reach will accumulate and fertilize along time. You will become better and better about what you do without give attention about that matter.
If you read 30 – 60 minutes everyday, you will accomplish about one book every week. American read book average less than one book every year. If you read one book every week, at least you will accomplish 50 books every year. Whereas to get PhD title from big university necessity to read to make synthesis in a dissertation from 40 until 50 books.
If you read one book every week, 50 books every year, you will equivalent with PhD in your field every year. If you continue read in this level, 50 books every year, you will read 500 books in ten years later. If you read 500 books in your field, average in the world people read one book every year; whether you think that you become better?
In reality, you will become the best reader, who has at most knowledge, the most expert, and practitioner which get the biggest wage in your field, if you just develop habit read in your field for 30 – 60 minutes. I never met with anyone, wherever in the world, which unchanged in life and their career by read habit everyday.
You must discipline to yourself to turnoff TV or radio, avoid newspaper, and maybe wakeup early morning until you are able to invest to your brain. This investment will give you either the greatest of number in result form, acknowledgement, and satisfaction that will you enjoy as result from all your to do.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Good News

Kabar Gembira

Kepada Temen2 yang mau pesan Electronic/Furniture bisa Call or sms ke Imam Muslim di 081319519313 bisa credit atau Cash. Persyaratan mudah cukup KK dan KTP.

Cheer News
To all my friends who want to pick up Electronics/Furniture Contact Imam Muslim (call / SMS at +6281319519313) and (085695374001 SMS only). Requirements: ID card and Family card.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Place Yourself in Around Precisely People

Make habit to connect only with people you like, admire, respect, and to obsession. Do not drink coffee with people coincidently in rest room. Do not go out to lunch with people coincidently sit near from you. Do not to socialization after office hour with whomever that invited you. You must thorough and clear of people that you allowed to affect you in mind and feeling, about opinion and their conversation.

Dr. David McClelland from Harvard finding that “class reference” you will determine 95 percent from your successful and your failure life. Your class reference is people that usually correlate with and assuming you part of them. They can part of your big family: your job partner, or member of politic party, church, or social organization. In actually, “people that a sort of assemble together”. In other word as speaker that gives motivation, Zig Ziglar said:” you cannot fly with eagle if you continue to scratch with gobbler.”

Do not miss it in the next chapter.


Gobbler, turkey, kalkun

Hawk, elang

Eagle, rajawali

Assemble, come together

Correlate, berhubungan

Office hour, jam kerja

Coincidently, secara kebetulan

Admire, kagumi

In other word, or

A sort of, of kind, sejenis

Part, member, anggota

Clear, jernih

Thorough, careful, teliti

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Back to Happiness

Growing incomes in western societies no longer make us happier, and more individualistic, competitive societies make some of us positively unhappy. Public policy should take its cue once more from Bentham's utilitarianism, unfashionable for many decades but now vindicated by modern neuroscience

Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.

These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.

The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.

Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain


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