Make habit to connect only with people you like, admire, respect, and to obsession. Do not drink coffee with people coincidently in rest room. Do not go out to lunch with people coincidently sit near from you. Do not to socialization after office hour with whomever that invited you. You must thorough and clear of people that you allowed to affect you in mind and feeling, about opinion and their conversation.
Dr. David Mc Clelland from Harvard finding that “class reference” you will determine 95 percent from your successful and your failure life. Your class reference is people that usually correlate with and assuming you part of them. They can part of your big family: your job partner, or member of politic party, church, or social organization. In actually, “people that a sort of assemble together”. In other word as speaker that gives motivation, Zig Ziglar said:” you cannot fly with eagle if you continue to scratch with gobbler.”
Do not miss it in the next chapter.
Gobbler, turkey, kalkun
Hawk, elang
Eagle, rajawali
Assemble, come together
Correlate, berhubungan
Office hour, jam kerja
Coincidently, secara kebetulan
Admire, kagumi
In other word, or
A sort of, of kind, sejenis
Part, member, anggota
Clear, jernih
Thorough, careful, teliti
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Give Your Brain Input Mental Protein
Develop habit to give input to your brain by mental positively food. Remember, you very sensitive to affect of suggestion inside your environment, that goodness radio, television, newspaper, magazine, leaflet, or discussion with other people. Your brain is the most important and valuable. You must protect and guards it so that clean, clear, and focus on what you want, rather than abandon it impure by negative affect on surrounding you.
Avoid seeing terror and garbage of television; avoid reading about murder, robbery, rapist, and tragedy from newspaper. Avoid listening radio comment for hours about all problems in modern world. Avoid involving in discussion that never ending with other people about social problems, politic in state or your community. Keep your mind stay clean, clear, positive, and free.
You are not only become what you think, but also you become what you input in your mind gradually. If you want to be positive, optimism, and happy. Give your brain input continuously by books and positive articles, input positive information from another expert in your field, and positive discussion with another people and that oriented to goal toward one place in their life.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Input (noun/verb), masukan
That goodness, baik itu
Leaflet, papan reklame
Guard it, keep, menjaga
Impure, tercemar
Garbage, trash
Rapist, pemerkosaan
Mix up with, involve
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Avoid seeing terror and garbage of television; avoid reading about murder, robbery, rapist, and tragedy from newspaper. Avoid listening radio comment for hours about all problems in modern world. Avoid involving in discussion that never ending with other people about social problems, politic in state or your community. Keep your mind stay clean, clear, positive, and free.
You are not only become what you think, but also you become what you input in your mind gradually. If you want to be positive, optimism, and happy. Give your brain input continuously by books and positive articles, input positive information from another expert in your field, and positive discussion with another people and that oriented to goal toward one place in their life.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Input (noun/verb), masukan
That goodness, baik itu
Leaflet, papan reklame
Guard it, keep, menjaga
Impure, tercemar
Garbage, trash
Rapist, pemerkosaan
Mix up with, involve
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Everyone basically is formed by himself. Your figure now probably was determined by experienced in your childhood, but your figure nowadays, your figure that you want obviously in your control. The big principle “you are what you think every time” refer what you think today, or your mind in the future which you determine your fate. Whoever you are now and whoever you later on, determine by mind inside yourself every time. Moreover, you fully control the mind whenever you decide it.
You become optimist with control dialogue in yourself, conversation with yourself. Decide from now to develop habit to talk with yourself positively. Say something to yourself like this: “I like with myself!” say: “I can do it!” if someone ask question to you: “what do you feel today?” always answer with: “I am very good” while you think your job, repeat to yourself: “I love with my job! I like with my job!”
The most of psychologist think that 95% your emotion determine by all about you think and the words you say to yourself along your days. Use self-discipline and your restraint to think and talk about something hat you want, from at you head full of something that you do not wish or you doubt and daunt.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Decide it, bertekadlah
Later on, eventually, nantinya
Determine, ditentukan
Daunt, fear, takuti
Think, feel, merasa
Restraint, control, pengendalian
From at, dari pada
You become optimist with control dialogue in yourself, conversation with yourself. Decide from now to develop habit to talk with yourself positively. Say something to yourself like this: “I like with myself!” say: “I can do it!” if someone ask question to you: “what do you feel today?” always answer with: “I am very good” while you think your job, repeat to yourself: “I love with my job! I like with my job!”
The most of psychologist think that 95% your emotion determine by all about you think and the words you say to yourself along your days. Use self-discipline and your restraint to think and talk about something hat you want, from at you head full of something that you do not wish or you doubt and daunt.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Decide it, bertekadlah
Later on, eventually, nantinya
Determine, ditentukan
Daunt, fear, takuti
Think, feel, merasa
Restraint, control, pengendalian
From at, dari pada
Friday, December 04, 2009
Obviously, “Idea is something that real” and constitute a certain which strong if you combined unanimous goal, persistent, and strong desire that implemented by has been formed wealthy, another property.
If you begin to think to develop wealthy, you will see that the wealthy start from the mind state. By mean of conviction will get the goal, with little work or no hard work. You and everybody had to be concerned how to a way get the mind state which will attract the wealthy.
Anything what you think and you believe it certain be able to get. Desire: the first point from all success.
The first step toward the wealthy: No border for mind unless what which our admit. The wealthy and poverty are result kid from mind.
Visualization and conviction grow desire. The second step toward the wealthy. Conviction is mind state which could be stimulated or created, by affirmative or continue instruction on unconscious mind, through self suggestion principal.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Admit, confess, akui
Provisioning, state, keadaan
Has been formed, wujud
Unanimous, circle, bulat
A certain, something, sesuatu
Constitute, merupakan
By mean of, by, with
Conviction, firm believe
Will, about to
Be concerned, interesting
Result, focus, buah
If you begin to think to develop wealthy, you will see that the wealthy start from the mind state. By mean of conviction will get the goal, with little work or no hard work. You and everybody had to be concerned how to a way get the mind state which will attract the wealthy.
Anything what you think and you believe it certain be able to get. Desire: the first point from all success.
The first step toward the wealthy: No border for mind unless what which our admit. The wealthy and poverty are result kid from mind.
Visualization and conviction grow desire. The second step toward the wealthy. Conviction is mind state which could be stimulated or created, by affirmative or continue instruction on unconscious mind, through self suggestion principal.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Admit, confess, akui
Provisioning, state, keadaan
Has been formed, wujud
Unanimous, circle, bulat
A certain, something, sesuatu
Constitute, merupakan
By mean of, by, with
Conviction, firm believe
Will, about to
Be concerned, interesting
Result, focus, buah
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
You Are What You Done
Thank you because read this book. In the next pages, you will learn several strategy and practical technique and have proven that can be use to get succeed and more happiness every field your life. I want to share with you about thing, as we know “Secret of Success”, who people can do, that ever get anything valuable in their life. While you learn and practice these techniques, you will become the different man.
Definition of success, frequently people request to me to explain the word of success. That definition I like is:
“Success is ability to bring up your life like as you want, to do your freak, with surrounding by people who love and respect”.
In the wider context, success is: ability to get dream, desire, expectation, and your destination in every significant aspect your life.
Although, every from us are unique, and different from many other that ever life, but in general we have four aim or desirability. Inside one until ten scales, with one as the lowest and ten as the highest, you can do evaluation quickly from your life by give value to yourself on four aspects:
1. Hale and healthy.
2. The well relations.
3. To do your like.
4. Get financial independent.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Thing, hal
Frequently, sering kali
To bring up, menghidupkan
Freak, like very much
Hale and healthy, sehat dan bugar
Desirability, longing, keinginan.
Thank you because read this book. In the next pages, you will learn several strategy and practical technique and have proven that can be use to get succeed and more happiness every field your life. I want to share with you about thing, as we know “Secret of Success”, who people can do, that ever get anything valuable in their life. While you learn and practice these techniques, you will become the different man.
Definition of success, frequently people request to me to explain the word of success. That definition I like is:
“Success is ability to bring up your life like as you want, to do your freak, with surrounding by people who love and respect”.
In the wider context, success is: ability to get dream, desire, expectation, and your destination in every significant aspect your life.
Although, every from us are unique, and different from many other that ever life, but in general we have four aim or desirability. Inside one until ten scales, with one as the lowest and ten as the highest, you can do evaluation quickly from your life by give value to yourself on four aspects:
1. Hale and healthy.
2. The well relations.
3. To do your like.
4. Get financial independent.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Thing, hal
Frequently, sering kali
To bring up, menghidupkan
Freak, like very much
Hale and healthy, sehat dan bugar
Desirability, longing, keinginan.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
To Talk Own self Positively Will Build Your Personality
One of the most important habit that you can develop is habit to talk to own self positively from time to tome. And, the most positive word which you can use along day, especially before important occurrence or significant is word “I like to my self”. You can’t say to own self without happier, especially if you repeat it emotionally and empathy.
Every you say “I like to my self” your self-regard is roar. If self-regard increases, you feel more positive and disposition. You more challenge to your goal, and bigger challenge. Increasingly you like yourself, you more believe and more decrease your fear. So continue repeat “I like with myself”.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Important-occurrence, kejadian-penting
Self-regard, harga-diri
Roar, bounce, melambung
Optimism, disposition, optimis
Own-self, Diri-sendiri
More and more, increasingly, semakin
Every you say “I like to my self” your self-regard is roar. If self-regard increases, you feel more positive and disposition. You more challenge to your goal, and bigger challenge. Increasingly you like yourself, you more believe and more decrease your fear. So continue repeat “I like with myself”.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Important-occurrence, kejadian-penting
Self-regard, harga-diri
Roar, bounce, melambung
Optimism, disposition, optimis
Own-self, Diri-sendiri
More and more, increasingly, semakin
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Develop the Positive Role Model
In a research that does several years ago, researcher found out that many men and women who get a huge result is that the man in his youth freak to read biography and autobiography from success people. Presumably you have inclination to identified yourself with in each story have you read, that you attention or you heard. While you sink continuously your mind in story about men and women who get reach a beautiful in their life, in unaware you identified with their character and extremely porous value, advantage, their quality into your personality.
Dr. David Mc Cleland, a professor from Harvard, in his book have title The Achieving Society (Free Press, 1985), explain role model have huge effect in forming character and personality of youngster. Either from conclusion is that man and woman who amazing and in approach as model in a society, during evolution periods in his youth get affect huge of character and aspiration by that figure while he grow become mature.
In addition, young clan that have role model positive surrounding by them when he in period growth, when they become mature preference have inclination to become man and woman with quality and character if compare with young clan that no have a role model like as that matter this time.
Back to the ideal concept to yourself, man and woman who unhappy and no succeed intend become more fuzzy about ideal role model who they have. If you ask question to they whether that they assume as the most valuable quality and the most important in a character and human personality, they have not clear response or each other interfere.
Fuzzy and doubt about a role model often causing the man dragged into circle life, related with negative affect, and spent time with fuzzy people and not focus about “The role model who they want while they grow”.
Dr. David Mc Cleland, a professor from Harvard, in his book have title The Achieving Society (Free Press, 1985), explain role model have huge effect in forming character and personality of youngster. Either from conclusion is that man and woman who amazing and in approach as model in a society, during evolution periods in his youth get affect huge of character and aspiration by that figure while he grow become mature.
In addition, young clan that have role model positive surrounding by them when he in period growth, when they become mature preference have inclination to become man and woman with quality and character if compare with young clan that no have a role model like as that matter this time.
Back to the ideal concept to yourself, man and woman who unhappy and no succeed intend become more fuzzy about ideal role model who they have. If you ask question to they whether that they assume as the most valuable quality and the most important in a character and human personality, they have not clear response or each other interfere.
Fuzzy and doubt about a role model often causing the man dragged into circle life, related with negative affect, and spent time with fuzzy people and not focus about “The role model who they want while they grow”.
Friday, November 06, 2009
History Kingdom in Indonesia
Indonesia entered historic era on year 400s, by founded inscription seven yupa (stone pillar). Kutai society opened historical Indonesian era for the first time. It was result political values, social, and godness in kingdom form, kenduri, and alms to Brahwana.
Sriwijaya kingdom appeared early seventh century under sway Wangsa Syailendra. Find this fact on ‘Kedudukan Bukit’ inscription at downstairs hill near Palembang. The grief about simultaneous prosperity in the country have be founded in Sriwijaya kingdom, it was caw “murvuat vauna criwijaya siddhayatra subhsika” (the grief country that fair and prosper.
Before Majapahit kingdom appeared, have kingdoms in Central-Java and East-Java. In Central-Java be founded “Kalasan Temple” that built by Kalingga Kingdom and Sanjaya in seventh up to ninth century. In addition, reflection peak of culture with built Borobudur Temple. Indeed in Eastern-Java are founded Kelagen Inscription, religious building, and dormitory that built by Isana Kingdom, Dharma Wangsa, Airlangga, and Singasari on ninth until thirteenth century.
Majapahit established on 1293, on King Hayam Wuruk and Patih Gajah Mada reign. Majapahit reached the dignity marked by widely zone region Majapahit sway lies from Melayu peninsula along Western-Irian. In those, any two religions: Hindu and Buddha. Mpu Prapanca have written “Negara Kertagama” that are founded Pancasila values, and Sumpah Palapa who proclaimed by mahapatih Gajah Mada that contains the grief to unity all nusantara raya. According to prasasti Brumbung found like in rule government as adviser like Rakyan I Hino, I Sirikan, and Halu who undertaking gave advice to the king. Majapahit underwent downfall affect of civil war.
After Majapahit fell in early sixteenth century, Islamic religion has developed in Indonesia foreign people who entered to Indonesian nationality first time they are trade. They are Portuguese, their trade increased accordingly it happened colonialism practice like as malaka since 1511 who sway by Portuguese. Finally, in sixteenth century Dutchman came to Indonesia and then established a league as we known VOC (Verenigde Oost Indische Compagnie). VOC practice began by appear compulsions unto Indonesian people arranged resistance like as Mataram Kingdom under sway Sultan Agung on 1613 to 1645. In that century history records are Dutchman, endeavor hardly to reinforced and consolidate their power in Indonesia.
Sriwijaya kingdom appeared early seventh century under sway Wangsa Syailendra. Find this fact on ‘Kedudukan Bukit’ inscription at downstairs hill near Palembang. The grief about simultaneous prosperity in the country have be founded in Sriwijaya kingdom, it was caw “murvuat vauna criwijaya siddhayatra subhsika” (the grief country that fair and prosper.
Before Majapahit kingdom appeared, have kingdoms in Central-Java and East-Java. In Central-Java be founded “Kalasan Temple” that built by Kalingga Kingdom and Sanjaya in seventh up to ninth century. In addition, reflection peak of culture with built Borobudur Temple. Indeed in Eastern-Java are founded Kelagen Inscription, religious building, and dormitory that built by Isana Kingdom, Dharma Wangsa, Airlangga, and Singasari on ninth until thirteenth century.
Majapahit established on 1293, on King Hayam Wuruk and Patih Gajah Mada reign. Majapahit reached the dignity marked by widely zone region Majapahit sway lies from Melayu peninsula along Western-Irian. In those, any two religions: Hindu and Buddha. Mpu Prapanca have written “Negara Kertagama” that are founded Pancasila values, and Sumpah Palapa who proclaimed by mahapatih Gajah Mada that contains the grief to unity all nusantara raya. According to prasasti Brumbung found like in rule government as adviser like Rakyan I Hino, I Sirikan, and Halu who undertaking gave advice to the king. Majapahit underwent downfall affect of civil war.
After Majapahit fell in early sixteenth century, Islamic religion has developed in Indonesia foreign people who entered to Indonesian nationality first time they are trade. They are Portuguese, their trade increased accordingly it happened colonialism practice like as malaka since 1511 who sway by Portuguese. Finally, in sixteenth century Dutchman came to Indonesia and then established a league as we known VOC (Verenigde Oost Indische Compagnie). VOC practice began by appear compulsions unto Indonesian people arranged resistance like as Mataram Kingdom under sway Sultan Agung on 1613 to 1645. In that century history records are Dutchman, endeavor hardly to reinforced and consolidate their power in Indonesia.
To Think Your Goal
Oriented toward destination is quality or the second way to think whose practiced by optimistic and all people who succeed. Inside orientation to the future, you develop ideal image clearly about your goal in the future. With goal orientation, you plan imagine into goal, and specific destination, measurable, and detail which necessitate you accomplished to get ideal vision in the future.
Success people developed habit their strategy quickly. They sat, and to make list from whether who they wish in short term, middle, and long term. Then they use seven part methodology to arrange potent goal to create Blue Print and action plan who they apply everyday.
Once you develop habit to arrange goal, and make planning which have to reach, that matter will be something nature to you like as you breathe. With apply arrangement goal process that has proven, you will increase your goal accomplishment ten crease, with 1000 percent or more than. It is not just theory, it has proven and demonstrated in National Scale.
On February 2003, USA Today reported research about people who have arranged New Year resolution a year before. They founded that just 4 percent from people who have owned New Year Resolution but unwritten it, apply that resolution. Nevertheless 46 percent of people who has written New Year Resolution apply them. Different successful of both cases that is more than 1100%.
Many formula and recipe which contents arrangement of goal. As a rule, “Anything planning better than without planning as well”. The next is either planning arranges goal formula the most effective that you will learn.
Severed accompanying certain what you want in a field specially and write them clearly and detail. Make them measurable and specific.
Arrange the deadline to every attainment of goal. If that is huge goal, make it become tiny parts, and make deadline for each parts.
Make a list of all you should do to get these goals. When you think be about to new item enhancing that item into your list until complete.
Arrange steps into list of your action into planning. Planning arrange by two elements, priority and ordinal. In arrange by priority, you determine that the most in your list and able to conduct to get your goal. Decree of 80/20 to apply: 20% of all something that your action will affect 80% of your outcome. If you not arrange clearly priority, you will “govern little thing” and spend much time to do little duties and unrelated with your goal.
In organization, you destine must do before the other can do. Always any activity with free and easy you can do. No matter what you are able to do, conduct which that sensible.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Success people developed habit their strategy quickly. They sat, and to make list from whether who they wish in short term, middle, and long term. Then they use seven part methodology to arrange potent goal to create Blue Print and action plan who they apply everyday.
Once you develop habit to arrange goal, and make planning which have to reach, that matter will be something nature to you like as you breathe. With apply arrangement goal process that has proven, you will increase your goal accomplishment ten crease, with 1000 percent or more than. It is not just theory, it has proven and demonstrated in National Scale.
On February 2003, USA Today reported research about people who have arranged New Year resolution a year before. They founded that just 4 percent from people who have owned New Year Resolution but unwritten it, apply that resolution. Nevertheless 46 percent of people who has written New Year Resolution apply them. Different successful of both cases that is more than 1100%.
Many formula and recipe which contents arrangement of goal. As a rule, “Anything planning better than without planning as well”. The next is either planning arranges goal formula the most effective that you will learn.
Severed accompanying certain what you want in a field specially and write them clearly and detail. Make them measurable and specific.
Arrange the deadline to every attainment of goal. If that is huge goal, make it become tiny parts, and make deadline for each parts.
Make a list of all you should do to get these goals. When you think be about to new item enhancing that item into your list until complete.
Arrange steps into list of your action into planning. Planning arrange by two elements, priority and ordinal. In arrange by priority, you determine that the most in your list and able to conduct to get your goal. Decree of 80/20 to apply: 20% of all something that your action will affect 80% of your outcome. If you not arrange clearly priority, you will “govern little thing” and spend much time to do little duties and unrelated with your goal.
In organization, you destine must do before the other can do. Always any activity with free and easy you can do. No matter what you are able to do, conduct which that sensible.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Bangunlah setiap hari lebih pagi dan membaca bacaan di bidang Anda selama 30 sampai 60 menit. Garis bawahi dan catalah. Pikirkan bagaimana Anda dapat menerapkan apa yang Anda pelajari dalam pekerjaan Anda setiap hari. Sepanjang hari, pikirkan bagaimana Anda dapat menggunakan apa yang telah Anda baca dengan lebih efektif. Di penghabisan hari, ulas kembali hari itu berdasarkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan baru Anda dan evaluasi hasil dan kemajuan Anda.
Ada prinsip psikologi penting yang disebut “Efek Hawthrone”. Secara singkat, prinsip ini mengatakan: “Tindakan memberikan perhatian kepada prilaku tertentu menyebabkan Anda meningatkan kinerja Anda dalam bidang tersebut.”
Contohnya, jika Anda memutuskan bahwa Anda akan mengembangkan kebiasaan untuk mendengarkan orang lain dengan labih baik ketika mereka berbicara dan menahan diri untuk melakukan interupsi. Tindakan berpikir untuk mendengarkan akan menyebabkan Anda menjadi pendengar yang lebih baik.
Jika Anda memutuskan bahwa Anda akan fokus untuk tepat waktu setiap hari sampai Anda mengembangkan ketepatan waktu sebagai suatu kebiasaan, seluruh pikiran untuk lebih tepat waktu akan membuat Anda menjadi lebih tepat waktu dalam kehidupan pribadi dan professional Anda. Semakin banyak Anda berpikir tentang prilaku, Anda akan menjadi semakin lebih baik dalam bidang tersebut.
Jika Anda membaca bacaan tentang bidang Anda selama 30-60 menit setiap hari dan berpikir sepanjang hari tentang bagaimana Anda dapat menerapkan apa yang telah Anda pelajari, Anda akan cenderung menjadi semakin baik pada apa yang Anda lakukan, baik disadari atau tidak. Peningkatan hasil yang Anda peroleh akan berakumulasi dan menumpuk sepanjang waktu. Anda akan menjadi lebih baik dan semakin baik akan apa yang Anda lakukan tanpa harus memberikan perhatian kepada hal itu.
Jika Anda membaca 30 sampai 60 menit setiap hari, Anda harus menyelesaikan sekitar satu buku setiap minggu. Rata-rata orang Amerika membaca kurang dari satu buku setiap tahun. Jika Anda membaca satu buku setiap minggu, Anda akan menyelesaikan setidaknya 50 buku setiap tahun. Padahal untuk mendapatkan gelar PhD dari universitas besar diperlukan untuk membaca dan melakukan sintesa kedalam suatu disertasi dari sebanyak 40 sampai 50 buku.
Jika Anda membaca satu buku setiap minggu, 50 buku setiap tahun, Anda akan setara dengan PhD dalam bidang Anda setiap tahun. Jika Anda terus membaca pada tingkat ini, 50 buku setiap tahun, Anda akan membaca 500 buku dalam sepuluh tahun ke depan. Jika Anda membaca 500 buku dalam bidang Anda, dalam dunia yang rata-rata orang membaca kurang dari satu buku setiap tahun, apakah Anda berpikir bahwa Anda dapat menjadi lebih baik?
Pada kenyataannya, Anda akan menjadi dalah satu pembaca terbaik, yang memiliki pengetahuan paling banyak, paling ahli, dan praktisi yang mendapat imbalan terbesar dalam bidang Anda, jika Anda hanya mengembangkan kebiasaan membaca dalam bidang Anda selama 30 - 60 menit. Saya belum pernah bertemu dengan siapa pun, dimana pun di seluruh dunia, yang tidak mengalami perubahan dalam hidup dan kariernya dengan kebiasaan membaca setiap hari.
Anda harus disiplin kepada diri sendiri untuk mematikan TV atau radio, untuk menyingkirkan Koran, dan mungkin untuk bangun sedikit lebih pagi sehingga Anda dapat melakukan investasi ke otak Anda. Investasi ini akan memberi Anda salah satu imbalan terbesar dalam bentuk hasil, penghargaan, dan kepuasan yang akan Anda nikmati sebagai hasil dari semua yang Anda lakukan.
Ada prinsip psikologi penting yang disebut “Efek Hawthrone”. Secara singkat, prinsip ini mengatakan: “Tindakan memberikan perhatian kepada prilaku tertentu menyebabkan Anda meningatkan kinerja Anda dalam bidang tersebut.”
Contohnya, jika Anda memutuskan bahwa Anda akan mengembangkan kebiasaan untuk mendengarkan orang lain dengan labih baik ketika mereka berbicara dan menahan diri untuk melakukan interupsi. Tindakan berpikir untuk mendengarkan akan menyebabkan Anda menjadi pendengar yang lebih baik.
Jika Anda memutuskan bahwa Anda akan fokus untuk tepat waktu setiap hari sampai Anda mengembangkan ketepatan waktu sebagai suatu kebiasaan, seluruh pikiran untuk lebih tepat waktu akan membuat Anda menjadi lebih tepat waktu dalam kehidupan pribadi dan professional Anda. Semakin banyak Anda berpikir tentang prilaku, Anda akan menjadi semakin lebih baik dalam bidang tersebut.
Jika Anda membaca bacaan tentang bidang Anda selama 30-60 menit setiap hari dan berpikir sepanjang hari tentang bagaimana Anda dapat menerapkan apa yang telah Anda pelajari, Anda akan cenderung menjadi semakin baik pada apa yang Anda lakukan, baik disadari atau tidak. Peningkatan hasil yang Anda peroleh akan berakumulasi dan menumpuk sepanjang waktu. Anda akan menjadi lebih baik dan semakin baik akan apa yang Anda lakukan tanpa harus memberikan perhatian kepada hal itu.
Jika Anda membaca 30 sampai 60 menit setiap hari, Anda harus menyelesaikan sekitar satu buku setiap minggu. Rata-rata orang Amerika membaca kurang dari satu buku setiap tahun. Jika Anda membaca satu buku setiap minggu, Anda akan menyelesaikan setidaknya 50 buku setiap tahun. Padahal untuk mendapatkan gelar PhD dari universitas besar diperlukan untuk membaca dan melakukan sintesa kedalam suatu disertasi dari sebanyak 40 sampai 50 buku.
Jika Anda membaca satu buku setiap minggu, 50 buku setiap tahun, Anda akan setara dengan PhD dalam bidang Anda setiap tahun. Jika Anda terus membaca pada tingkat ini, 50 buku setiap tahun, Anda akan membaca 500 buku dalam sepuluh tahun ke depan. Jika Anda membaca 500 buku dalam bidang Anda, dalam dunia yang rata-rata orang membaca kurang dari satu buku setiap tahun, apakah Anda berpikir bahwa Anda dapat menjadi lebih baik?
Pada kenyataannya, Anda akan menjadi dalah satu pembaca terbaik, yang memiliki pengetahuan paling banyak, paling ahli, dan praktisi yang mendapat imbalan terbesar dalam bidang Anda, jika Anda hanya mengembangkan kebiasaan membaca dalam bidang Anda selama 30 - 60 menit. Saya belum pernah bertemu dengan siapa pun, dimana pun di seluruh dunia, yang tidak mengalami perubahan dalam hidup dan kariernya dengan kebiasaan membaca setiap hari.
Anda harus disiplin kepada diri sendiri untuk mematikan TV atau radio, untuk menyingkirkan Koran, dan mungkin untuk bangun sedikit lebih pagi sehingga Anda dapat melakukan investasi ke otak Anda. Investasi ini akan memberi Anda salah satu imbalan terbesar dalam bentuk hasil, penghargaan, dan kepuasan yang akan Anda nikmati sebagai hasil dari semua yang Anda lakukan.
Wakeup everyday early morning and read discourse in your field for 30 until 60 minutes underline and note it. Thinking of how you can apply what you learned in your job everyday. Along day, thinking of how you can use what you have learned more effective. In the end day, back review those day based on knowledge, and your new skill and evaluation result and your progress.
Any important psychology principle which called: “Hawthrone Effect”. As briefly, this principle said: “action give attention to definite behavior help you increase your performance in that field.”
For example, if you decide that you will develop habit to listen the other people with properly while they say and refrain to do interruption. Action to think to listen make you good listener.
If you decide that you will focused on timely everyday till you develop pertinence time as a habit, all mind to timely will you make timelier in personal life, and your professional. Much more you think about behavior, you will be better in that field.
If you read discourse of your field for 30 until 60 minutes everyday, and think of along day how you can apply what you have learned. You will inclined be better on what you’re to do, right aware or not. Escalation result that you reach will accumulate and fertilize along time. You will become better and better about what you do without give attention about that matter.
If you read 30 – 60 minutes everyday, you will accomplish about one book every week. American read book average less than one book every year. If you read one book every week, at least you will accomplish 50 books every year. Whereas to get PhD title from big university necessity to read to make synthesis in a dissertation from 40 until 50 books.
If you read one book every week, 50 books every year, you will equivalent with PhD in your field every year. If you continue read in this level, 50 books every year, you will read 500 books in ten years later. If you read 500 books in your field, average in the world people read one book every year; whether you think that you become better?
In reality, you will become the best reader, who has at most knowledge, the most expert, and practitioner which get the biggest wage in your field, if you just develop habit read in your field for 30 – 60 minutes. I never met with anyone, wherever in the world, which unchanged in life and their career by read habit everyday.
You must discipline to yourself to turnoff TV or radio, avoid newspaper, and maybe wakeup early morning until you are able to invest to your brain. This investment will give you either the greatest of number in result form, acknowledgement, and satisfaction that will you enjoy as result from all your to do.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
These texts I translate to Indonesian Language. Please correct if any mistake. We can learn together if we want to success.
Esteem, appreciation, acknowledgement, penghargaan
At most, paling banyak
Discourse, wacana
Progress, headway, kemajuan
As briefly, secara singkat
Definite, certain, tertentu
Refrain, menahan diri
Wage, repayment, imbalan
Wherever, dimanapun
Timely, on time, tepat waktu
Pertinence, accuracy, ketepatan
Inclined, lean, intend, cenderung
Escalation, progress, peningkatan
Fertilize, manure, memupuk
Any important psychology principle which called: “Hawthrone Effect”. As briefly, this principle said: “action give attention to definite behavior help you increase your performance in that field.”
For example, if you decide that you will develop habit to listen the other people with properly while they say and refrain to do interruption. Action to think to listen make you good listener.
If you decide that you will focused on timely everyday till you develop pertinence time as a habit, all mind to timely will you make timelier in personal life, and your professional. Much more you think about behavior, you will be better in that field.
If you read discourse of your field for 30 until 60 minutes everyday, and think of along day how you can apply what you have learned. You will inclined be better on what you’re to do, right aware or not. Escalation result that you reach will accumulate and fertilize along time. You will become better and better about what you do without give attention about that matter.
If you read 30 – 60 minutes everyday, you will accomplish about one book every week. American read book average less than one book every year. If you read one book every week, at least you will accomplish 50 books every year. Whereas to get PhD title from big university necessity to read to make synthesis in a dissertation from 40 until 50 books.
If you read one book every week, 50 books every year, you will equivalent with PhD in your field every year. If you continue read in this level, 50 books every year, you will read 500 books in ten years later. If you read 500 books in your field, average in the world people read one book every year; whether you think that you become better?
In reality, you will become the best reader, who has at most knowledge, the most expert, and practitioner which get the biggest wage in your field, if you just develop habit read in your field for 30 – 60 minutes. I never met with anyone, wherever in the world, which unchanged in life and their career by read habit everyday.
You must discipline to yourself to turnoff TV or radio, avoid newspaper, and maybe wakeup early morning until you are able to invest to your brain. This investment will give you either the greatest of number in result form, acknowledgement, and satisfaction that will you enjoy as result from all your to do.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
These texts I translate to Indonesian Language. Please correct if any mistake. We can learn together if we want to success.
Esteem, appreciation, acknowledgement, penghargaan
At most, paling banyak
Discourse, wacana
Progress, headway, kemajuan
As briefly, secara singkat
Definite, certain, tertentu
Refrain, menahan diri
Wage, repayment, imbalan
Wherever, dimanapun
Timely, on time, tepat waktu
Pertinence, accuracy, ketepatan
Inclined, lean, intend, cenderung
Escalation, progress, peningkatan
Fertilize, manure, memupuk
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Identified obstacle or limitedness that may detain you in realizes your goal, from situation or from yourself. Ask question to your self: “Why I not yet to get this goal?” identified the most important of limitedness which may detain you, and then focused to eliminate your limitedness. That matter has the shape a number of money or pith resources. The thing has the shape plus skill or habit that you need. The thing also has the shape gain information that you need. The thing also has the shape aid from one or more people. No matter what, identified clearly and start work to omit them.
After aim your goal, develop your planning and identified the huge limitedness. As soon as possible take determining action which toward attainment goal. Stride with conviction. Do it first step that appear in your mind. Nevertheless, do it something as soon as possible to start process from attainment goal with move forward.
Do it everyday that make you towards the most important your goal. Build habit to wake-up every morning. Planning your activity that day, and at least one step towards the most important your destination.
Habit to do something everyday that budge you towards. The most important your goal will develop momentum strength inside yourself. Everyday action make deeper your conviction that destination can reach and active Law of Attraction. As a result, you move more close your goal, and your goal begin move faster coming near you.
For several years I have talk with people around the world that have said to me that habit to do one action or more everyday of main their destination, have make their life changed. They tell to me that habit which one more affected to successful who they obtain rather than other idea which have they learned. Try the thing to yourself and proving its result.
Either the most important habit that you can develop is habit to arrange target everyday. Many people I have taught about this, after several years later said to me that strength of this process remarkable!
Arrange daily goal is the humble activity. Take note-book to write your goal and do it along your lifetime. Every morning, before you get activity, open your note-book and begin with new page. Always start by words: “My destination today is… “.
Then write down 10 till 15 priority goal, impressing you have get them. Your unconscious mind just make live by command which state in form “Now Word”, positive, and personal. So, preferable you don’t write your goal like this: “I will reduce my weight body in a month”. Preferable you write: “My body weight on (write date specifically) is x kg.
Remarkable, phenomenal, luar biasa
Impressing, seolah-olah
Move, Budge, actuate, menggerakkan
Build, make
Stride, step, melangkahlah
Nucleus, pith, inti
A number of, sejumlah
Detain, bridle, endure, menahan
Obstacle, impediment, rintangan
Unconscious, subconscious, bawah-sadar
Preferable, better, sebaiknya
Proving, buktikan
Accustom, biasakan
Gain, plus, tambahan
No matter what, anything, apapun
Omit, eliminate, kill menghilangkan
As soon as possible, secepatnya.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
These texts I translate to Indonesian Language. Please correct if any mistake. We can learn together if we want to success.
Identified obstacle or limitedness that may detain you in realizes your goal, from situation or from yourself. Ask question to your self: “Why I not yet to get this goal?” identified the most important of limitedness which may detain you, and then focused to eliminate your limitedness. That matter has the shape a number of money or pith resources. The thing has the shape plus skill or habit that you need. The thing also has the shape gain information that you need. The thing also has the shape aid from one or more people. No matter what, identified clearly and start work to omit them.
After aim your goal, develop your planning and identified the huge limitedness. As soon as possible take determining action which toward attainment goal. Stride with conviction. Do it first step that appear in your mind. Nevertheless, do it something as soon as possible to start process from attainment goal with move forward.
Do it everyday that make you towards the most important your goal. Build habit to wake-up every morning. Planning your activity that day, and at least one step towards the most important your destination.
Habit to do something everyday that budge you towards. The most important your goal will develop momentum strength inside yourself. Everyday action make deeper your conviction that destination can reach and active Law of Attraction. As a result, you move more close your goal, and your goal begin move faster coming near you.
For several years I have talk with people around the world that have said to me that habit to do one action or more everyday of main their destination, have make their life changed. They tell to me that habit which one more affected to successful who they obtain rather than other idea which have they learned. Try the thing to yourself and proving its result.
Either the most important habit that you can develop is habit to arrange target everyday. Many people I have taught about this, after several years later said to me that strength of this process remarkable!
Arrange daily goal is the humble activity. Take note-book to write your goal and do it along your lifetime. Every morning, before you get activity, open your note-book and begin with new page. Always start by words: “My destination today is… “.
Then write down 10 till 15 priority goal, impressing you have get them. Your unconscious mind just make live by command which state in form “Now Word”, positive, and personal. So, preferable you don’t write your goal like this: “I will reduce my weight body in a month”. Preferable you write: “My body weight on (write date specifically) is x kg.
Remarkable, phenomenal, luar biasa
Impressing, seolah-olah
Move, Budge, actuate, menggerakkan
Build, make
Stride, step, melangkahlah
Nucleus, pith, inti
A number of, sejumlah
Detain, bridle, endure, menahan
Obstacle, impediment, rintangan
Unconscious, subconscious, bawah-sadar
Preferable, better, sebaiknya
Proving, buktikan
Accustom, biasakan
Gain, plus, tambahan
No matter what, anything, apapun
Omit, eliminate, kill menghilangkan
As soon as possible, secepatnya.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
These texts I translate to Indonesian Language. Please correct if any mistake. We can learn together if we want to success.
Identifikasikan rintangan atau keterbatasan yang mungkin menahan Anda dalam mencapai tujuan, baik dari situasi maupun dari dalam diri Anda. Tanyakan pada diri Anda: “Mengapa saya belum juga mencapai tujuan ini?”
Identifikasikan pembatas terpenting yang menahan Anda, dan kemudian fokuskan untuk menghilangkan hambatan tersebut. Hal itu dapat berbentuk sejumlah uang tertentu atau berbentuk sumber daya inti. Hal itu juga dapat berbentuk ketrampilan tambahan atau kebiasaan yang Anda perlukan. Hal itu juga dapat berbentuk informasi tambahan yang anda butuhkan. Hal itu juga dapat berbentuk bantuan dari satu atau lebih orang. Apapun hal itu, identifikasikan dengan jelas dan mulailah bekerja untuk menghilangkannya.
Setelah Anda menentukan tujuan Anda, kembangkan rencana Anda dan identifikasikan hambatan terbesar. Secepatnya ambil tindakan tertentu yang menuju kepada pencapaian tujuan. Melangkahlah dengan keyakinan. Lakukan hal pertama yang muncul dalam pikiran Anda. Tetepi lakukan sesuatu dengan segera untuk memulai proses dari pencapaian tujuan dengan bergerak kedepan.
Lakukan sesuatu setiap hari yang membuat Anda maju menuju tujuan Anda yang terpenting. Buatlah kebiasaan untuk bangun setiap pagi, merencanakan kegiatan Anda hari itu dan kemudian lakukan sesuatu, apapun itu, yang menggerakkan Anda setidaknya satu langkah mendekati tujuan Anda yang paling penting.
Kebiasaan untuk melakukan sesuatu setiap hari yang menggerakkan Anda menuju tujuan terpenting akan mengembangkan kekuatan momentum di dalam diri Anda. Tindakan setiap hari memperdalam keyakinan anda bahwa tujuan dapat dicapai dan akan mengaktifkan Hukum Daya Tarik. Sebagai hasilnya, Anda mulai bergerak semakin cepat menuju tujuan Anda, dan tujuan Anda mulai bergerak semakin cepat mendekati Anda.
Selama beberapa tahun saya telah berbincang dengan orang-orang diseluruh dunia yang telah mengatakan kepada saya bahwa kebiasaan untuk melakukan satu tindakan atau lebih setiap hari dari tujuan utama mereka, telah membuat hidup mereka berubah. Mereka menceritakan kepada saya bahwa kebiasaan yang satu ini lebih berpengaruh terhadap kesuksesan yang mereka peroleh dari pada gagasan lain yang pernah mereka pelajari. Cobalah hal itu pada diri Anda dan lihatlah hasilnya.
Salah satu kebiasaan yang paling penting yang dapat Anda kembangkan adalah kebiasaan menyusun tujuan setiap hari. Sudah tak terhitung banyaknya orang yang pernah saya ajarkan tentang hal ini, setelah beberapa tahun kemudian mengatakan kepada saya bahwa kekuatan dari proses ini benar-benar luar biasa!
Menyusun tujuan harian adalah kegiatan yang cukup sederhana. Ambilah buku kecil untuk menulis tujuan Anda dan biasakanlah hal itu untuk dilakukan sepanjang sisa hidup Anda, Setiap pagi, sebelum Anda memulai kegiatan Anda, bukalah buku kecil Anda dan mulai dengan halaman baru. Selalu dimulai dengan kata-kata “ tujuan saya hari ini adalah sebagai berikut …”
Kemudian tuliskan 10 sampai 15 tujuan teratas, seolah-olah Anda telah mencapainya. Alam bawah sadar Anda hanya dihidupkan dengan perintah yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk kalimat sekarang, positif, dan pribadi. Jadi, sebaiknya anda tidak menulis tujuan Anda seperti ini; “Saya akan mengurangi berat badan dalam sebulan ini,’ sebaiknya Anda menulis: “berat badan saya pada tanggal (tuliskan tanggal yang sepesifik) adalah x kg.”
Identifikasikan rintangan atau keterbatasan yang mungkin menahan Anda dalam mencapai tujuan, baik dari situasi maupun dari dalam diri Anda. Tanyakan pada diri Anda: “Mengapa saya belum juga mencapai tujuan ini?”
Identifikasikan pembatas terpenting yang menahan Anda, dan kemudian fokuskan untuk menghilangkan hambatan tersebut. Hal itu dapat berbentuk sejumlah uang tertentu atau berbentuk sumber daya inti. Hal itu juga dapat berbentuk ketrampilan tambahan atau kebiasaan yang Anda perlukan. Hal itu juga dapat berbentuk informasi tambahan yang anda butuhkan. Hal itu juga dapat berbentuk bantuan dari satu atau lebih orang. Apapun hal itu, identifikasikan dengan jelas dan mulailah bekerja untuk menghilangkannya.
Setelah Anda menentukan tujuan Anda, kembangkan rencana Anda dan identifikasikan hambatan terbesar. Secepatnya ambil tindakan tertentu yang menuju kepada pencapaian tujuan. Melangkahlah dengan keyakinan. Lakukan hal pertama yang muncul dalam pikiran Anda. Tetepi lakukan sesuatu dengan segera untuk memulai proses dari pencapaian tujuan dengan bergerak kedepan.
Lakukan sesuatu setiap hari yang membuat Anda maju menuju tujuan Anda yang terpenting. Buatlah kebiasaan untuk bangun setiap pagi, merencanakan kegiatan Anda hari itu dan kemudian lakukan sesuatu, apapun itu, yang menggerakkan Anda setidaknya satu langkah mendekati tujuan Anda yang paling penting.
Kebiasaan untuk melakukan sesuatu setiap hari yang menggerakkan Anda menuju tujuan terpenting akan mengembangkan kekuatan momentum di dalam diri Anda. Tindakan setiap hari memperdalam keyakinan anda bahwa tujuan dapat dicapai dan akan mengaktifkan Hukum Daya Tarik. Sebagai hasilnya, Anda mulai bergerak semakin cepat menuju tujuan Anda, dan tujuan Anda mulai bergerak semakin cepat mendekati Anda.
Selama beberapa tahun saya telah berbincang dengan orang-orang diseluruh dunia yang telah mengatakan kepada saya bahwa kebiasaan untuk melakukan satu tindakan atau lebih setiap hari dari tujuan utama mereka, telah membuat hidup mereka berubah. Mereka menceritakan kepada saya bahwa kebiasaan yang satu ini lebih berpengaruh terhadap kesuksesan yang mereka peroleh dari pada gagasan lain yang pernah mereka pelajari. Cobalah hal itu pada diri Anda dan lihatlah hasilnya.
Salah satu kebiasaan yang paling penting yang dapat Anda kembangkan adalah kebiasaan menyusun tujuan setiap hari. Sudah tak terhitung banyaknya orang yang pernah saya ajarkan tentang hal ini, setelah beberapa tahun kemudian mengatakan kepada saya bahwa kekuatan dari proses ini benar-benar luar biasa!
Menyusun tujuan harian adalah kegiatan yang cukup sederhana. Ambilah buku kecil untuk menulis tujuan Anda dan biasakanlah hal itu untuk dilakukan sepanjang sisa hidup Anda, Setiap pagi, sebelum Anda memulai kegiatan Anda, bukalah buku kecil Anda dan mulai dengan halaman baru. Selalu dimulai dengan kata-kata “ tujuan saya hari ini adalah sebagai berikut …”
Kemudian tuliskan 10 sampai 15 tujuan teratas, seolah-olah Anda telah mencapainya. Alam bawah sadar Anda hanya dihidupkan dengan perintah yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk kalimat sekarang, positif, dan pribadi. Jadi, sebaiknya anda tidak menulis tujuan Anda seperti ini; “Saya akan mengurangi berat badan dalam sebulan ini,’ sebaiknya Anda menulis: “berat badan saya pada tanggal (tuliskan tanggal yang sepesifik) adalah x kg.”
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Pikirkan Tujuan Anda
Pikirkan Tujuan Anda
Orientasi kepada tujuan adalah kualitas atau cara berpikir kedua yang dipraktikkan oleh para optimistis dan semua orang-orang yang berhasil. Dalam orientasi ke masa depan, anda mengembangkan imaji ideal yang jelas tentang apa yang ingin anda capai suatu saat nanti di masa depan. Dengan orientasi tujuan, anda mengkristalkan imaji itu kedalam tujuan dan sasaran yang spesifik dan terukur, dan rinci yang perlu anda selesaikan untuk mencapai visi ideal di masa depan tersebut.
Orang yang sukses dengan cepat mengembangkan kebiasaan merencanakan strategi pribadi. Mereka duduk dan membuat daftar dari apa yang sebenarnya mereka ingin capai dalam jangka pendek, menengah, dan jangka panjang. Kemudian mereka menggunakan metodologi tujuh bagian yang ampuh untuk menciptakan cetak biru dan rencana tindakan yang mereka ikuti setiap hari.
Sekali anda mengembangkan kebiasaan untuk menyusun tujuan dan membuat rencana yang harus dicapai, hal itu akan menjadi sesuatu yang alamiah bagi anda layaknya anda bernapas. Dengan mengikuti proses penyusunan tujuan yang telah terbukti, anda akan sangat meningkatkan pencapaian tujuan anda sepuluh kali lipat, dengan 1000 persen atau bahkan lebih. Ini bukan sekedar teori; ini telah terbukti dan didemonstrasikan dalam skala nasional.
Pada bulan February 2003, USA Today melaporkan suatu penelitian tentang orang-orang yang telah menyusun Resolusi Tahun Baru setahun sebelumnya. Mereka menemukan bahwa hanya 4% dari orang-orang tersebut yang telah memiliki resolusi Tahun Baru tetapi tidak menuliskanya, mengikuti resolusi tersebut. Tetapi 46% dari orang-orang yang menuliskan resolusi Tahun Baru-nya melaksanakannya. Perbedaan kesuksesan dari kedua kasus ini adalah lebih dari 1100%.
Banyak formula dan resep yang berisi penyusunan tujuan. Sebagai suatu aturan: “Rencana apapun lebih baik dari pada tanpa rencana sama sekali.” Berikut ini adalah salah satu rencana atau formula penyusunan tujuan yang paling efektif yang akan anda pelajari.
Putuskan dengan pasti apa yang anda inginkan dalam satu bidang spesifik dan tuliskanlah hal itu dengan jelas dan detail. Buatlah hal itu terukur dan spesifik.
Susun batas waktu untuk setiap pencapaian dari tujuan. Jika itu adalah tujuan yang besar, buatlah itu menjadi bagian-bagian kecil dan susun batas waktu untuk setiap bagian.
Buatlah daftar dari segala sesuatu yang seharusnya anda lakukan untuk mencapai tujuan ini. Ketika anda terpikir akan item baru, tambahkan item tersebut kedalam daftar Anda hingga lengkap.
Aturlah langkah-langkah dalam daftar tindakan Anda ke dalam suatu rencana. Rencana diatur berdasarkan dua elemen, prioritas dan urutan.
Dalam mengatur berdasarkan prioritas, Anda tentukan hal yang paling penting dalam daftar Anda yang mungkin dapat dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan Anda. Aturan 80/20 menerapkan: 20% dari segala sesuatu yang Anda lakukan akan mempengaruhi 80% dari hasil Anda. Jika Anda tidak menyusun prioritas yang jelas, Anda akan “menguasai hal-hal kecil” dan banyak menghabiskan waktu Anda untuk melakukan tugas-tugas kecil dan tidak berkaitan yang tidak membantu Anda dalam mencapai tujuan.
Dalam organisasi, Anda menetukan apa yang harus dilakukan sebelum hal lain dilakukan. Selalu ada aktivitas dengan leluasa dapat Anda lakukan. Apapun yang anda lakukan, lakukanlah mana yang masuk akal.
Orientasi kepada tujuan adalah kualitas atau cara berpikir kedua yang dipraktikkan oleh para optimistis dan semua orang-orang yang berhasil. Dalam orientasi ke masa depan, anda mengembangkan imaji ideal yang jelas tentang apa yang ingin anda capai suatu saat nanti di masa depan. Dengan orientasi tujuan, anda mengkristalkan imaji itu kedalam tujuan dan sasaran yang spesifik dan terukur, dan rinci yang perlu anda selesaikan untuk mencapai visi ideal di masa depan tersebut.
Orang yang sukses dengan cepat mengembangkan kebiasaan merencanakan strategi pribadi. Mereka duduk dan membuat daftar dari apa yang sebenarnya mereka ingin capai dalam jangka pendek, menengah, dan jangka panjang. Kemudian mereka menggunakan metodologi tujuh bagian yang ampuh untuk menciptakan cetak biru dan rencana tindakan yang mereka ikuti setiap hari.
Sekali anda mengembangkan kebiasaan untuk menyusun tujuan dan membuat rencana yang harus dicapai, hal itu akan menjadi sesuatu yang alamiah bagi anda layaknya anda bernapas. Dengan mengikuti proses penyusunan tujuan yang telah terbukti, anda akan sangat meningkatkan pencapaian tujuan anda sepuluh kali lipat, dengan 1000 persen atau bahkan lebih. Ini bukan sekedar teori; ini telah terbukti dan didemonstrasikan dalam skala nasional.
Pada bulan February 2003, USA Today melaporkan suatu penelitian tentang orang-orang yang telah menyusun Resolusi Tahun Baru setahun sebelumnya. Mereka menemukan bahwa hanya 4% dari orang-orang tersebut yang telah memiliki resolusi Tahun Baru tetapi tidak menuliskanya, mengikuti resolusi tersebut. Tetapi 46% dari orang-orang yang menuliskan resolusi Tahun Baru-nya melaksanakannya. Perbedaan kesuksesan dari kedua kasus ini adalah lebih dari 1100%.
Banyak formula dan resep yang berisi penyusunan tujuan. Sebagai suatu aturan: “Rencana apapun lebih baik dari pada tanpa rencana sama sekali.” Berikut ini adalah salah satu rencana atau formula penyusunan tujuan yang paling efektif yang akan anda pelajari.
Putuskan dengan pasti apa yang anda inginkan dalam satu bidang spesifik dan tuliskanlah hal itu dengan jelas dan detail. Buatlah hal itu terukur dan spesifik.
Susun batas waktu untuk setiap pencapaian dari tujuan. Jika itu adalah tujuan yang besar, buatlah itu menjadi bagian-bagian kecil dan susun batas waktu untuk setiap bagian.
Buatlah daftar dari segala sesuatu yang seharusnya anda lakukan untuk mencapai tujuan ini. Ketika anda terpikir akan item baru, tambahkan item tersebut kedalam daftar Anda hingga lengkap.
Aturlah langkah-langkah dalam daftar tindakan Anda ke dalam suatu rencana. Rencana diatur berdasarkan dua elemen, prioritas dan urutan.
Dalam mengatur berdasarkan prioritas, Anda tentukan hal yang paling penting dalam daftar Anda yang mungkin dapat dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan Anda. Aturan 80/20 menerapkan: 20% dari segala sesuatu yang Anda lakukan akan mempengaruhi 80% dari hasil Anda. Jika Anda tidak menyusun prioritas yang jelas, Anda akan “menguasai hal-hal kecil” dan banyak menghabiskan waktu Anda untuk melakukan tugas-tugas kecil dan tidak berkaitan yang tidak membantu Anda dalam mencapai tujuan.
Dalam organisasi, Anda menetukan apa yang harus dilakukan sebelum hal lain dilakukan. Selalu ada aktivitas dengan leluasa dapat Anda lakukan. Apapun yang anda lakukan, lakukanlah mana yang masuk akal.
To Think Your Goal
To Think Your Goal
Oriented toward destination is quality or the second way to think whose practiced by optimistic and all people who succeed. Inside orientation to the future, you develop ideal image clearly about your goal in the future. With goal orientation, you plan imagine into goal, and specific destination, measurable, and detail which necessitate you accomplished to get ideal vision in the future.
Success people developed habit their strategy quickly. They sat, and to make list from whether who they wish in short term, middle, and long term. Then they use seven part methodology to arrange potent goal to create Blue Print and action plan who they apply everyday.
Once you develop habit to arrange goal, and make planning which have to reach, that matter will be something nature to you like as you breathe. With apply arrangement goal process that has proven, you will increase your goal accomplishment ten crease, with 1000 percent or more than. It is not just theory, it has proven and demonstrated in National Scale.
On February 2003, USA Today reported research about people who have arranged New Year resolution a year before. They founded that just 4 percent from people who have owned New Year Resolution but unwritten it, apply that resolution. Nevertheless 46 percent of people who has written New Year Resolution apply them. Different successful of both cases that is more than 1100%.
Many formula and recipe which contents arrangement of goal. As a rule, “Anything planning better than without planning as well”. The next is either planning arranges goal formula the most effective that you will learn.
Severed accompanying certain what you want in a field specially and write them clearly and detail. Make them measurable and specific.
Arrange the deadline to every attainment of goal. If that is huge goal, make it become tiny parts, and make deadline for each parts.
Make a list of all you should do to get these goals. When you think be about to new item enhancing that item into your list until complete.
Arrange steps into list of your action into planning. Planning arrange by two elements, priority and ordinal. In arrange by priority, you determine that the most in your list and able to conduct to get your goal. Decree of 80/20 to apply: 20% of all something that your action will affect 80% of your outcome. If you not arrange clearly priority, you will “govern little thing” and spend much time to do little duties and unrelated with your goal.
In organization, you destine must do before the other can do. Always any activity with free and easy you can do. No matter what you are able to do, conduct which that sensible.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Enactive, destine, menentukan
Precept, decree, rule, aturan
Ordinal, tread, urutan
Determining, tentukan
Accomplishment, attainment, pencapaian
With, accompanying, dengan
Effective, potent, ampuh
Necessitate, mengharuskan, memerlukan
Necessity, keperluan
Necessary, keperluan, kebutuhan
Tiny, small, little
Affect = verb. Effect = Noun
Govern, mastering, menguasai
Mission, duty, task, tugas
Crease, fold, lipat
From, of, dari
Severed, broken off, putus
Area, field, bidang
Arrange, stack, susun
Enhancing, add, tambahkan
No matter what, anything, any, apapun.
These texts I translate to Indonesian Language. Please correct if any mistake. We can learn together if we want to success.
Oriented toward destination is quality or the second way to think whose practiced by optimistic and all people who succeed. Inside orientation to the future, you develop ideal image clearly about your goal in the future. With goal orientation, you plan imagine into goal, and specific destination, measurable, and detail which necessitate you accomplished to get ideal vision in the future.
Success people developed habit their strategy quickly. They sat, and to make list from whether who they wish in short term, middle, and long term. Then they use seven part methodology to arrange potent goal to create Blue Print and action plan who they apply everyday.
Once you develop habit to arrange goal, and make planning which have to reach, that matter will be something nature to you like as you breathe. With apply arrangement goal process that has proven, you will increase your goal accomplishment ten crease, with 1000 percent or more than. It is not just theory, it has proven and demonstrated in National Scale.
On February 2003, USA Today reported research about people who have arranged New Year resolution a year before. They founded that just 4 percent from people who have owned New Year Resolution but unwritten it, apply that resolution. Nevertheless 46 percent of people who has written New Year Resolution apply them. Different successful of both cases that is more than 1100%.
Many formula and recipe which contents arrangement of goal. As a rule, “Anything planning better than without planning as well”. The next is either planning arranges goal formula the most effective that you will learn.
Severed accompanying certain what you want in a field specially and write them clearly and detail. Make them measurable and specific.
Arrange the deadline to every attainment of goal. If that is huge goal, make it become tiny parts, and make deadline for each parts.
Make a list of all you should do to get these goals. When you think be about to new item enhancing that item into your list until complete.
Arrange steps into list of your action into planning. Planning arrange by two elements, priority and ordinal. In arrange by priority, you determine that the most in your list and able to conduct to get your goal. Decree of 80/20 to apply: 20% of all something that your action will affect 80% of your outcome. If you not arrange clearly priority, you will “govern little thing” and spend much time to do little duties and unrelated with your goal.
In organization, you destine must do before the other can do. Always any activity with free and easy you can do. No matter what you are able to do, conduct which that sensible.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Enactive, destine, menentukan
Precept, decree, rule, aturan
Ordinal, tread, urutan
Determining, tentukan
Accomplishment, attainment, pencapaian
With, accompanying, dengan
Effective, potent, ampuh
Necessitate, mengharuskan, memerlukan
Necessity, keperluan
Necessary, keperluan, kebutuhan
Tiny, small, little
Affect = verb. Effect = Noun
Govern, mastering, menguasai
Mission, duty, task, tugas
Crease, fold, lipat
From, of, dari
Severed, broken off, putus
Area, field, bidang
Arrange, stack, susun
Enhancing, add, tambahkan
No matter what, anything, any, apapun.
These texts I translate to Indonesian Language. Please correct if any mistake. We can learn together if we want to success.
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Structure 2.3
Name : Imam Muslim
Npm : 20088100312
Semester : III
Subject : Structure II
Lecturer : Mr. Sudjoko MM
Positive Degree
Positive Degree adalah sebuah kata yang menentukan sifat kualitas Dari: seseorang, sebuah benda, atau sebuah tindakan dan Tak ada pembandingnya.
For example:
1. He is tall. John is too.
2. Linda is beautiful girl.
3. New York is a large city.
Comparative Degree
Comparative Degree merupakan sebuah kata yang membandingkan: orang, benda, atau tindakan dengan yang lainnya.
For example:
1. Linda is more beautiful than Jean.
2. The United States is larger than the United Kingdom.
3. Imam is taller than John.
Superlative Degree
Superlative Degree merupakan sebuah kata yang membandingkan: orang, benda, atau tindakan dengan minimal 2 pembanding.
For example:
1. The United States is the biggest economy in the world.
2. The king cobra is the most dangerous snake.
3. The Semeru is highest mountain in East-Java.
Npm : 20088100312
Semester : III
Subject : Structure II
Lecturer : Mr. Sudjoko MM
Positive Degree
Positive Degree adalah sebuah kata yang menentukan sifat kualitas Dari: seseorang, sebuah benda, atau sebuah tindakan dan Tak ada pembandingnya.
For example:
1. He is tall. John is too.
2. Linda is beautiful girl.
3. New York is a large city.
Comparative Degree
Comparative Degree merupakan sebuah kata yang membandingkan: orang, benda, atau tindakan dengan yang lainnya.
For example:
1. Linda is more beautiful than Jean.
2. The United States is larger than the United Kingdom.
3. Imam is taller than John.
Superlative Degree
Superlative Degree merupakan sebuah kata yang membandingkan: orang, benda, atau tindakan dengan minimal 2 pembanding.
For example:
1. The United States is the biggest economy in the world.
2. The king cobra is the most dangerous snake.
3. The Semeru is highest mountain in East-Java.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
readingII team task
JL: Raya JKT-Bogor km 24 Cijantung
Phone 02187791773
Reading Assignment Team
Name : Imam Muslim
NPM : 20088100312
Name : Arif Yulianto
NPM : 20088100373
Subject : Reading II
Lecturer : Mrs. S Yulidar Mpd
Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of writing.
Proficient reading depends on the ability to recognize words quickly and effortlessly. If word recognition is difficult, students use too much of their processing capacity to read individual, which interferes with their ability to comprehend what is read.
Many educators in the USA believe that children need to learn to analyze text (comprehend it) even before they can read it on their own, and comprehension instruction generally begins in pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten. However, other US educators consider this reading approach to be completely backward for very young children, arguing that the children must learn how to decode the words in a story through phonics before they can analyze the story itself.
During the last century comprehension lessons usually comprised students answering teachers' questions, writing responses to questions on their own, or both. The whole group version of this practice also often included "round robin reading", wherein teachers called on individual students to read a portion of the text (and sometimes following a set order). In the last quarter of the 20th century, evidence accumulated that the read-test methods assessed comprehension more than they taught it. The associated practice of "round robin" reading has also been questioned and eliminated by many educators.
Instead of using the prior read-test method, research studies have concluded that there are much more effective ways to teach comprehension. Much work has been done in the area of teaching novice readers a bank of "reading strategies," or tools to interpret and analyze text. There is not a definitive set of strategies, but common ones include summarizing what you have read, monitoring your reading to make sure it is still making sense, and analyzing the structure of the text (e.g., the use of headings in science text). Some programs teach students how to self monitor whether they are understanding and provide students with tools for fixing comprehension problems.
Instruction in comprehension strategy use often involves the gradual release of responsibility, wherein teachers initially explain and model strategies. Over time, they give students more and more responsibility for using the strategies until they can use them independently. This technique is generally associated with the idea of self-regulation and reflects social cognitive theory.
Reading Skills
Reading skills is the process of acquiring the basic skills necessary for learning to read; that is, the ability to acquire meaning from print.
According to the report by the US National Reading Panel (NRP) in 2000, the skills required for proficient reading are phonological awareness, phonics (sound-symbol correspondence), fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension.
According to the National Reading Panel, the ability to read requires proficiency in a number of language domains: phonemic awareness, phonics (sound-symbol correspondence), fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension.
• Phonemic awareness: The ability to distinguish and manipulate the individual sounds of language. The broader term, phonological awareness, also includes rhymes, syllables, and onsets and rimes.
• Phonics: Method that stresses the acquisition of letter-sound correspondences and their use in reading and spelling. This helps beginning readers understand how letters are linked to sounds (phonemes), patterns of letter-sound correspondences and spelling in English, and how to apply this knowledge when they read.
• Fluency: The ability to read orally with speed, accuracy, and vocal expression. The ability to read fluently is one of several critical factors necessary for reading comprehension. If a reader is not fluent, it may be difficult to remember what has been read and to relate the ideas expressed in the text to his or her background knowledge. This accuracy and automat city of reading serves as a bridge between decoding and comprehension.
• Vocabulary: A critical aspect of reading comprehension is vocabulary development. When a reader encounters an unfamiliar word in print and decodes it to derive its spoken pronunciation, the reader understands the word if it is in the reader has spoken vocabulary. Otherwise, the reader must derive the meaning of the word using another strategy, such as context.
• Reading Comprehension :The NRP describes comprehension as a complex cognitive process in which a reader intentionally and interactively engages with the text. Reading comprehension is heavily dependent on skilled word recognition and decoding, oral reading fluency, a well-developed vocabulary and active engagement with the text.
Reading Activity
Doing activities with your children allows you to promote their reading and writing skills while having fun at the same time. These activities for pre-readers, beginning readers, and older readers include what you need and what to do for each one.
These activities have been developed by national reading experts for you to use with children, ages birth to Grade 6. The activities are meant to be used in addition to reading with children every day.
In using these activities, your main goal will be to develop great enthusiasm in the reader for reading and writing. You are the child's cheerleader. It is less important for the reader to get every word exactly right. It is more important for the child to learn to love reading itself. If the reader finishes one book and asks for another, you know you are succeeding! If your reader writes even once a week and comes back for more, you know you have accomplished your beginning goals.
We wish you many wonderful hours of reading and writing with children.
1. Catts H. W., Gillespie, M., Leonard, L. B., Kail, R. V., Miller, C. A. (2002). The role of speed of processing, rapid naming, and phonological awareness in reading achievement. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 35, 510–525.
2. Clark, Diana Brewster, and Joanna Kellogg Uhry. Dyslexia: Theory and Practice of Remedial Instruction, York Press, 1995.
3. Fletcher-Flinn, C. M., Shankweiler, D., & Frostg, S. J. (2004). Coordination of reading and spelling in early literacy: An examination of the discrepancy hypothesis. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 17, 617–644.
4. Galaburda, A. M., Menard, M. T., & Rosen, G. D., (1994). Evidence for aberrant auditory anatomy in developmental dyslexia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 91, 8010–8013
JL: Raya JKT-Bogor km 24 Cijantung
Phone 02187791773
Reading Assignment Team
Name : Imam Muslim
NPM : 20088100312
Name : Arif Yulianto
NPM : 20088100373
Subject : Reading II
Lecturer : Mrs. S Yulidar Mpd
Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of writing.
Proficient reading depends on the ability to recognize words quickly and effortlessly. If word recognition is difficult, students use too much of their processing capacity to read individual, which interferes with their ability to comprehend what is read.
Many educators in the USA believe that children need to learn to analyze text (comprehend it) even before they can read it on their own, and comprehension instruction generally begins in pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten. However, other US educators consider this reading approach to be completely backward for very young children, arguing that the children must learn how to decode the words in a story through phonics before they can analyze the story itself.
During the last century comprehension lessons usually comprised students answering teachers' questions, writing responses to questions on their own, or both. The whole group version of this practice also often included "round robin reading", wherein teachers called on individual students to read a portion of the text (and sometimes following a set order). In the last quarter of the 20th century, evidence accumulated that the read-test methods assessed comprehension more than they taught it. The associated practice of "round robin" reading has also been questioned and eliminated by many educators.
Instead of using the prior read-test method, research studies have concluded that there are much more effective ways to teach comprehension. Much work has been done in the area of teaching novice readers a bank of "reading strategies," or tools to interpret and analyze text. There is not a definitive set of strategies, but common ones include summarizing what you have read, monitoring your reading to make sure it is still making sense, and analyzing the structure of the text (e.g., the use of headings in science text). Some programs teach students how to self monitor whether they are understanding and provide students with tools for fixing comprehension problems.
Instruction in comprehension strategy use often involves the gradual release of responsibility, wherein teachers initially explain and model strategies. Over time, they give students more and more responsibility for using the strategies until they can use them independently. This technique is generally associated with the idea of self-regulation and reflects social cognitive theory.
Reading Skills
Reading skills is the process of acquiring the basic skills necessary for learning to read; that is, the ability to acquire meaning from print.
According to the report by the US National Reading Panel (NRP) in 2000, the skills required for proficient reading are phonological awareness, phonics (sound-symbol correspondence), fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension.
According to the National Reading Panel, the ability to read requires proficiency in a number of language domains: phonemic awareness, phonics (sound-symbol correspondence), fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension.
• Phonemic awareness: The ability to distinguish and manipulate the individual sounds of language. The broader term, phonological awareness, also includes rhymes, syllables, and onsets and rimes.
• Phonics: Method that stresses the acquisition of letter-sound correspondences and their use in reading and spelling. This helps beginning readers understand how letters are linked to sounds (phonemes), patterns of letter-sound correspondences and spelling in English, and how to apply this knowledge when they read.
• Fluency: The ability to read orally with speed, accuracy, and vocal expression. The ability to read fluently is one of several critical factors necessary for reading comprehension. If a reader is not fluent, it may be difficult to remember what has been read and to relate the ideas expressed in the text to his or her background knowledge. This accuracy and automat city of reading serves as a bridge between decoding and comprehension.
• Vocabulary: A critical aspect of reading comprehension is vocabulary development. When a reader encounters an unfamiliar word in print and decodes it to derive its spoken pronunciation, the reader understands the word if it is in the reader has spoken vocabulary. Otherwise, the reader must derive the meaning of the word using another strategy, such as context.
• Reading Comprehension :The NRP describes comprehension as a complex cognitive process in which a reader intentionally and interactively engages with the text. Reading comprehension is heavily dependent on skilled word recognition and decoding, oral reading fluency, a well-developed vocabulary and active engagement with the text.
Reading Activity
Doing activities with your children allows you to promote their reading and writing skills while having fun at the same time. These activities for pre-readers, beginning readers, and older readers include what you need and what to do for each one.
These activities have been developed by national reading experts for you to use with children, ages birth to Grade 6. The activities are meant to be used in addition to reading with children every day.
In using these activities, your main goal will be to develop great enthusiasm in the reader for reading and writing. You are the child's cheerleader. It is less important for the reader to get every word exactly right. It is more important for the child to learn to love reading itself. If the reader finishes one book and asks for another, you know you are succeeding! If your reader writes even once a week and comes back for more, you know you have accomplished your beginning goals.
We wish you many wonderful hours of reading and writing with children.
1. Catts H. W., Gillespie, M., Leonard, L. B., Kail, R. V., Miller, C. A. (2002). The role of speed of processing, rapid naming, and phonological awareness in reading achievement. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 35, 510–525.
2. Clark, Diana Brewster, and Joanna Kellogg Uhry. Dyslexia: Theory and Practice of Remedial Instruction, York Press, 1995.
3. Fletcher-Flinn, C. M., Shankweiler, D., & Frostg, S. J. (2004). Coordination of reading and spelling in early literacy: An examination of the discrepancy hypothesis. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 17, 617–644.
4. Galaburda, A. M., Menard, M. T., & Rosen, G. D., (1994). Evidence for aberrant auditory anatomy in developmental dyslexia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 91, 8010–8013
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
writing 2.3
Name : Muslim Imam
Npm : 20088100312
Semester : III
Subject : Writing II
Mid test : Take home test
Lecturer : Mr. Suleiman Mpd
Lesson 1
D. Write original sentences, use only pattern noun + verb. You may expand the sentences, using connector’s adverbs, adjectives, if you wish.
1. I arrived to airport yesterday.
2. John stopped walking because he feels tired.
3. Imam wrote several plays, but only one was produced on theater.
4. She shouted loudly.
5. The phones rang.
6. I happened upon the most wonderful bakery.
7. The tiger growled yesterday.
8. He landed property.
9. My cat fell in a deep gulch.
10. Nina lost her money.
E. Find the elements that form the basic sentence pattern noun + verb.
1. The train arrived.
2. The dog barked.
3. The package came.
4. The tire factory stopped.
5. The musician played.
6. The tourist open.
7. The students studied.
8. Dr. Sheila Avery lecturing.
9. The jet airliner landed.
10. The strange happened.
Lesson 2
D. Combine the following group of sentences, making sure that the adverbs are in acceptable order.
1. He teaches enthusiastically all year here.
2. He lectures energetically all morning here.
3. She stays quietly at home every night.
4. Children are playing in the park noisily.
5. The professor then looked up quickly.
6. Alice went home that day sadly.
7. The rain came down softly and steadily all night.
8. The family dined quietly at home that evening.
9. Mrs. Oberg works constantly outsides all summer.
10. Children swim noisily in the pool all summer.
E. Rewrite the following sentences using adverbs of manner and, if possible, adverbs of place and time.
1. Clouds gathered suddenly.
2. The sun dimmed partially.
3. The sky darkened completely.
4. The wind blew strongly.
5. Dogs run and growled noisily.
6. Birds cried spontaneously.
7. Lightening flashed brilliantly.
8. Thunder sounded deafeningly.
9. Trees fell suddenly.
10. A hurricane had begun quickly.
Lesson 3
B. Combine the following pairs and groups of sentences, making sure that the adverbs and prepositional phrases are placed in acceptable order.
1. The number of otters decreased dramatically before 1938 because of intense hunting.
2. The sea otters population has been growing significantly in the North Pacific since 1938.
3. The otter lives comfortably in cold water.
4. Otters come together in herds a short distance from the shore for sleep and social life.
5. They swim expertly through seaweed “forest” in search of shellfish.
E. Expand the following sentences by combining the pairs of groups of sentences, making sure the adverbs and prepositional phrases are placed in acceptable order.
1. They learned from their own mistakes in those days.
2. Building locations were chosen on high places for protection and shelter.
3. Engineering developed in the modern world during the last 200 years.
4. Engineers study at universities during daytime hours.
5. Engineers prepare for their profession by study, observation, and practice.
6. Some engineers study at universities during daytime hours.
7. They work at various jobs at night.
8. Others work to earn money for their college expenses.
9. They study in a special program after work.
10. Engineering students specialize in a certain field during their last two years.
Lesson 4
Write a short paragraph by using “time sequence pattern”
Seven months ago on Wednesday I went to my hometown by train. It was traveling for visit my family. I woke up early. I went to the train station at 09.45am by bus and at 12.30 pm I arrived at station jatinegara. I bought ticket Rp 55000. I am waiting train because departure at 02.10pm. I traveled through the beautiful places. The sun was signing brightly at first. After that, dark clouds appeared the sky. My trip very long time but pleasant because, I get girl friends in these journey. We talk about our experience in jobs and college. Finally I arrived on Thursday morning with gladly feel.
Npm : 20088100312
Semester : III
Subject : Writing II
Mid test : Take home test
Lecturer : Mr. Suleiman Mpd
Lesson 1
D. Write original sentences, use only pattern noun + verb. You may expand the sentences, using connector’s adverbs, adjectives, if you wish.
1. I arrived to airport yesterday.
2. John stopped walking because he feels tired.
3. Imam wrote several plays, but only one was produced on theater.
4. She shouted loudly.
5. The phones rang.
6. I happened upon the most wonderful bakery.
7. The tiger growled yesterday.
8. He landed property.
9. My cat fell in a deep gulch.
10. Nina lost her money.
E. Find the elements that form the basic sentence pattern noun + verb.
1. The train arrived.
2. The dog barked.
3. The package came.
4. The tire factory stopped.
5. The musician played.
6. The tourist open.
7. The students studied.
8. Dr. Sheila Avery lecturing.
9. The jet airliner landed.
10. The strange happened.
Lesson 2
D. Combine the following group of sentences, making sure that the adverbs are in acceptable order.
1. He teaches enthusiastically all year here.
2. He lectures energetically all morning here.
3. She stays quietly at home every night.
4. Children are playing in the park noisily.
5. The professor then looked up quickly.
6. Alice went home that day sadly.
7. The rain came down softly and steadily all night.
8. The family dined quietly at home that evening.
9. Mrs. Oberg works constantly outsides all summer.
10. Children swim noisily in the pool all summer.
E. Rewrite the following sentences using adverbs of manner and, if possible, adverbs of place and time.
1. Clouds gathered suddenly.
2. The sun dimmed partially.
3. The sky darkened completely.
4. The wind blew strongly.
5. Dogs run and growled noisily.
6. Birds cried spontaneously.
7. Lightening flashed brilliantly.
8. Thunder sounded deafeningly.
9. Trees fell suddenly.
10. A hurricane had begun quickly.
Lesson 3
B. Combine the following pairs and groups of sentences, making sure that the adverbs and prepositional phrases are placed in acceptable order.
1. The number of otters decreased dramatically before 1938 because of intense hunting.
2. The sea otters population has been growing significantly in the North Pacific since 1938.
3. The otter lives comfortably in cold water.
4. Otters come together in herds a short distance from the shore for sleep and social life.
5. They swim expertly through seaweed “forest” in search of shellfish.
E. Expand the following sentences by combining the pairs of groups of sentences, making sure the adverbs and prepositional phrases are placed in acceptable order.
1. They learned from their own mistakes in those days.
2. Building locations were chosen on high places for protection and shelter.
3. Engineering developed in the modern world during the last 200 years.
4. Engineers study at universities during daytime hours.
5. Engineers prepare for their profession by study, observation, and practice.
6. Some engineers study at universities during daytime hours.
7. They work at various jobs at night.
8. Others work to earn money for their college expenses.
9. They study in a special program after work.
10. Engineering students specialize in a certain field during their last two years.
Lesson 4
Write a short paragraph by using “time sequence pattern”
Seven months ago on Wednesday I went to my hometown by train. It was traveling for visit my family. I woke up early. I went to the train station at 09.45am by bus and at 12.30 pm I arrived at station jatinegara. I bought ticket Rp 55000. I am waiting train because departure at 02.10pm. I traveled through the beautiful places. The sun was signing brightly at first. After that, dark clouds appeared the sky. My trip very long time but pleasant because, I get girl friends in these journey. We talk about our experience in jobs and college. Finally I arrived on Thursday morning with gladly feel.
writing 2.2.1
History kingdom in Indonesia
Indonesia entered historic era on year 400s, by founded inscription seven yupa (stone pillar). Kutai society opened historical Indonesian era for the first time. It was result political values, social, and godness in kingdom form, kenduri, and alms to Brahwana.
Sriwijaya kingdom appeared early seventh century under sway Wangsa Syailendra. Find this fact on ‘Kedudukan Bukit’ inscription at downstairs hill near Palembang. The grief about simultaneous prosperity in the country have be founded in Sriwijaya kingdom, it was caw “murvuat vauna criwijaya siddhayatra subhsika” (the grief country that fair and prosper.
Before Majapahit kingdom appeared, have kingdoms in Central-Java and East-Java. In Central-Java be founded “Kalasan Temple” that built by Kalingga Kingdom and Sanjaya in seventh up to ninth century. In addition, reflection peak of culture with built Borobudur Temple. Indeed in Eastern-Java are founded Kelagen Inscription, religious building, and dormitory that built by Isana Kingdom, Dharma Wangsa, Airlangga, and Singasari on ninth until thirteenth century.
Majapahit established on 1293, on King Hayam Wuruk and Patih Gajah Mada reign. Majapahit reached the dignity marked by widely zone region Majapahit sway lies from Melayu peninsula along Western-Irian. In those, any two religions: Hindu and Buddha. Mpu Prapanca have written “Negara Kertagama” that are founded Pancasila values, and Sumpah Palapa who proclaimed by mahapatih Gajah Mada that contains the grief to unity all nusantara raya. According to prasasti Brumbung found like in rule government as adviser like Rakyan I Hino, I Sirikan, and Halu who undertaking gave advice to the king. Majapahit underwent downfall affect of civil war.
After Majapahit fell in early sixteenth century, Islamic religion has developed in Indonesia foreign people who entered to Indonesian nationality first time they are trade. They are Portuguese, their trade increased accordingly it happened colonialism practice like as malaka since 1511 who sway by Portuguese. Finally, in sixteenth century Dutchman came to Indonesia and then established a league as we known VOC (Verenigde Oost Indische Compagnie). VOC practice began by appear compulsions unto Indonesian people arranged resistance like as Mataram Kingdom under sway Sultan Agung on 1613 to 1645. In that century history records are Dutchman, endeavor hardly to reinforced and consolidate their power in Indonesia.
Indonesia entered historic era on year 400s, by founded inscription seven yupa (stone pillar). Kutai society opened historical Indonesian era for the first time. It was result political values, social, and godness in kingdom form, kenduri, and alms to Brahwana.
Sriwijaya kingdom appeared early seventh century under sway Wangsa Syailendra. Find this fact on ‘Kedudukan Bukit’ inscription at downstairs hill near Palembang. The grief about simultaneous prosperity in the country have be founded in Sriwijaya kingdom, it was caw “murvuat vauna criwijaya siddhayatra subhsika” (the grief country that fair and prosper.
Before Majapahit kingdom appeared, have kingdoms in Central-Java and East-Java. In Central-Java be founded “Kalasan Temple” that built by Kalingga Kingdom and Sanjaya in seventh up to ninth century. In addition, reflection peak of culture with built Borobudur Temple. Indeed in Eastern-Java are founded Kelagen Inscription, religious building, and dormitory that built by Isana Kingdom, Dharma Wangsa, Airlangga, and Singasari on ninth until thirteenth century.
Majapahit established on 1293, on King Hayam Wuruk and Patih Gajah Mada reign. Majapahit reached the dignity marked by widely zone region Majapahit sway lies from Melayu peninsula along Western-Irian. In those, any two religions: Hindu and Buddha. Mpu Prapanca have written “Negara Kertagama” that are founded Pancasila values, and Sumpah Palapa who proclaimed by mahapatih Gajah Mada that contains the grief to unity all nusantara raya. According to prasasti Brumbung found like in rule government as adviser like Rakyan I Hino, I Sirikan, and Halu who undertaking gave advice to the king. Majapahit underwent downfall affect of civil war.
After Majapahit fell in early sixteenth century, Islamic religion has developed in Indonesia foreign people who entered to Indonesian nationality first time they are trade. They are Portuguese, their trade increased accordingly it happened colonialism practice like as malaka since 1511 who sway by Portuguese. Finally, in sixteenth century Dutchman came to Indonesia and then established a league as we known VOC (Verenigde Oost Indische Compagnie). VOC practice began by appear compulsions unto Indonesian people arranged resistance like as Mataram Kingdom under sway Sultan Agung on 1613 to 1645. In that century history records are Dutchman, endeavor hardly to reinforced and consolidate their power in Indonesia.
Friday, August 14, 2009
writing 2.2
Name : Muslim Imam
Npm : 20088100312
Semester : III
Subject : Writing II
Lecturer : Mr. Suleiman
Indonesia History
Spread across a chain of thousands of islands between Asia and Australia, Indonesia has the world's largest Muslim population. Ethnically it is highly diverse, with more than 300 local languages.
After Japan's wartime occupation ended, independence was proclaimed in 1945 by Soekarno, the independence movement's leader. The Dutch transferred sovereignty in 1949 after an armed struggle. Long-term leader General Soeharto came to power in the wake of an abortive coup in 1965. He imposed authoritarian rule while allowing technocrats to run the economy with considerable success.
But his policy of allowing army involvement in all levels of government, down to village level, fostered corruption. His "transmigration" programmes - which moved large numbers of landless farmers from Java to other parts of the country - fanned ethnic conflict.
Soeharto fell from power after riots in 1998 and escaped efforts to bring him to justice for decades of dictatorship.
Post-Soeharto Indonesia has made the transition to democracy. Power has been devolved away from the central government and the first direct presidential elections were held in 2004.
But the country faces demands for independence in several provinces, where secessionists have been encouraged by East Timor's 1999 success in breaking away after a traumatic 25 years of occupation.
Militant Islamic groups have flexed their muscles over the past few years. Some have been accused of having links with Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda organization, including the group blamed for the 2002 Bali bombings which killed 202 people.
Lying near the intersection of shifting tectonic plates, Indonesia is prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. A powerful undersea quake in late 2004 sent massive waves crashing into coastal areas of Sumatra and into coastal communities across south and East Asia. The disaster left more than 220,000 Indonesians dead or missing.
Npm : 20088100312
Semester : III
Subject : Writing II
Lecturer : Mr. Suleiman
Indonesia History
Spread across a chain of thousands of islands between Asia and Australia, Indonesia has the world's largest Muslim population. Ethnically it is highly diverse, with more than 300 local languages.
After Japan's wartime occupation ended, independence was proclaimed in 1945 by Soekarno, the independence movement's leader. The Dutch transferred sovereignty in 1949 after an armed struggle. Long-term leader General Soeharto came to power in the wake of an abortive coup in 1965. He imposed authoritarian rule while allowing technocrats to run the economy with considerable success.
But his policy of allowing army involvement in all levels of government, down to village level, fostered corruption. His "transmigration" programmes - which moved large numbers of landless farmers from Java to other parts of the country - fanned ethnic conflict.
Soeharto fell from power after riots in 1998 and escaped efforts to bring him to justice for decades of dictatorship.
Post-Soeharto Indonesia has made the transition to democracy. Power has been devolved away from the central government and the first direct presidential elections were held in 2004.
But the country faces demands for independence in several provinces, where secessionists have been encouraged by East Timor's 1999 success in breaking away after a traumatic 25 years of occupation.
Militant Islamic groups have flexed their muscles over the past few years. Some have been accused of having links with Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda organization, including the group blamed for the 2002 Bali bombings which killed 202 people.
Lying near the intersection of shifting tectonic plates, Indonesia is prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. A powerful undersea quake in late 2004 sent massive waves crashing into coastal areas of Sumatra and into coastal communities across south and East Asia. The disaster left more than 220,000 Indonesians dead or missing.
structure 2.2
Name : Muslim Imam
Npm : 20088100312
Semester : III
Subject : Structure II
Lecturer : Mr. Sudjoko MM
Verbs followed by gerund
1.I enjoy reading novel with entitle: “Think and Grow Rich”.
2.Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter?
3.Mind mapping constitute of the way that have developed by Tony Buzan.
4.When I come, Linda quit talking.
5.“Never give up learning” if you want to be succeed.
6.Imam has finished Teaching at 12.30pm.
7.I finally got through doing this assignment.
8.John stopped walking because he feels tired.
9.MR Bush avoid meeting with me.
10.DR Rice delay visiting to Indonesia, because she got cold.
11.Keep smoking make your lungs broken.
12.Keep on working until you get it.
13.The article includes mention winning.
14.Imam suggests for make his planning.
15.We discussed our working budget.
16.I talk about result meeting yesterday.
17.Consider the following case.
18.Think about your traveling.
Npm : 20088100312
Semester : III
Subject : Structure II
Lecturer : Mr. Sudjoko MM
Verbs followed by gerund
1.I enjoy reading novel with entitle: “Think and Grow Rich”.
2.Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter?
3.Mind mapping constitute of the way that have developed by Tony Buzan.
4.When I come, Linda quit talking.
5.“Never give up learning” if you want to be succeed.
6.Imam has finished Teaching at 12.30pm.
7.I finally got through doing this assignment.
8.John stopped walking because he feels tired.
9.MR Bush avoid meeting with me.
10.DR Rice delay visiting to Indonesia, because she got cold.
11.Keep smoking make your lungs broken.
12.Keep on working until you get it.
13.The article includes mention winning.
14.Imam suggests for make his planning.
15.We discussed our working budget.
16.I talk about result meeting yesterday.
17.Consider the following case.
18.Think about your traveling.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
hello world

Salam to all my friends
Salam buat temen2 kerja di PT SAN MIGUEL PURE FOODS di antaranya: Legini Egie, Deni delon, especially coding team group c, Widyanto, Endang, Mahdi, roby, Ariyanti, EEF, team slice Edy togel, Encik, Vacum team: Bedu, Apin, Bokir. Bang Lukman, Bang Didin dll…
And also to my friends at campus STKIP Kusuma Negara S1 English: Anggie, Dian wulandari, Deden, Octa, especially to Soraya and many more…..
Dan juga untuk tmn2 di STIE Kusuma Negara: Dias, Rina nurhayati, Ronggo, dll…. Semoga hari ini lebih baik dari hari kemarin, Dan Esok lebih baik dari hari ini.. Amin
Name : Muslim Imam
Npm : 20088100312
Subject : Writing 1
Lecturer : Mr. Sulaiman
Friday, May 01, 2009
american african
African Americans or Black Americans are citizens or residents of the United States who have origins in any of the black populations of Africa.[5] In the United States, the terms are generally used for Americans with at least partial Sub-Saharan African ancestry. Most African Americans are the direct descendants of captive Africans who survived the slavery era within the boundaries of the present United States, although some are—or are descended from—voluntary immigrants from African, Caribbean, Central American or South American nations.[6] African Americans make up the single largest racial minority in the United States and form the second largest racial group after whites in the United States.[7]
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
happiness is back
back to happy
Growing incomes in western societies no longer make us happier, and more individualistic, competitive societies make some of us positively unhappy. Public policy should take its cue once more from Bentham's utilitarianism, unfashionable for many decades but now vindicated by modern neuroscience
Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.
These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.
The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.
Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain
Growing incomes in western societies no longer make us happier, and more individualistic, competitive societies make some of us positively unhappy. Public policy should take its cue once more from Bentham's utilitarianism, unfashionable for many decades but now vindicated by modern neuroscience
Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.
These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.
The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.
Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain
Monday, April 20, 2009
Salam to all my friends
Salam buat temen2 kerja di PT SAN MIGUEL PURE FOODS di antaranya: Legini Egie, Deni delon, especially coding team group c, Widyanto, Endang, Mahdi, roby, Ariyanti, EEF, team slice Edy togel, Encik, Vacum team: Bedu, Apin, Bokir. Bang Lukman, Bang Didin dll…
And also to my friends at campus STKIP Kusuma Negara S1 English: Anggie, Dian wulandari, Deden, Octa, especially to Soraya and many more…..
Dan juga untuk tmn2 di STIE Kusuma Negara: Dias, Rina nurhayati, Ronggo, dll…. Semoga hari ini lebih baik dari hari kemarin, Dan Esok lebih baik dari hari ini.. Amin
Salam buat temen2 kerja di PT SAN MIGUEL PURE FOODS di antaranya: Legini Egie, Deni delon, especially coding team group c, Widyanto, Endang, Mahdi, roby, Ariyanti, EEF, team slice Edy togel, Encik, Vacum team: Bedu, Apin, Bokir. Bang Lukman, Bang Didin dll…
And also to my friends at campus STKIP Kusuma Negara S1 English: Anggie, Dian wulandari, Deden, Octa, especially to Soraya and many more…..
Dan juga untuk tmn2 di STIE Kusuma Negara: Dias, Rina nurhayati, Ronggo, dll…. Semoga hari ini lebih baik dari hari kemarin, Dan Esok lebih baik dari hari ini.. Amin
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
happiness is back
back to happy
Growing incomes in western societies no longer make us happier, and more individualistic, competitive societies make some of us positively unhappy. Public policy should take its cue once more from Bentham's utilitarianism, unfashionable for many decades but now vindicated by modern neuroscience
Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.
These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.
The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.
Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain
Growing incomes in western societies no longer make us happier, and more individualistic, competitive societies make some of us positively unhappy. Public policy should take its cue once more from Bentham's utilitarianism, unfashionable for many decades but now vindicated by modern neuroscience
Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.
These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.
The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.
Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain
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Saturday, April 11, 2009
success in business
If you were Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald’s restaurants, and you were looking for someone to take over a struggling franchise, whom would you choose? Probably someone with experience in the restaurant industry, for starters. Some general business knowledge and possibly even a business degree would also be an asset, as would a strong work ethic, good people skills, and, of course, deep pockets.
With those qualifications in mind, what if the only remotely qualified candidate who responded to your ad was a biology teacher with no previous restaurant or business experience who was barely able to feed and clothe his wife and five children? That, and when he responded to your ad, he thought the job involved flipping burgers, not running the entire restaurant.
Taking a Risk
Few people would do what Ray Kroc did in just such a situation. Not only did he hire Jerry Caven, the aforementioned candidate, he gave Jerry the restaurant for free and another three restaurants besides. Obviously, Kroc saw something in Jerry that made him think the risk was worth it. But before Jerry could accept Kroc’s offer, he had to take a risk of his own: Leave his teaching career, where the pay was low but secure and dive into the volatile restaurant business.
Putting further pressure on Jerry, the Boise franchise that Kroc wanted him to take over had just gone bankrupt and when Jerry’s school found out what Jerry was considering, they told him that if his venture with McDonald’s failed he shouldn’t bother begging to get his old job back. After careful deliberation and prayer with his wife Muriel (as was their habit), Jerry decided Kroc’s offer was too good to refuse. So he resigned his teaching job and set out for “Hamburger University” in Chicago to get a crash course in the burger business.
Once he returned, Jerry literally “moved in” to his new business.
“I actually brought my cot into the basement and stayed there, twenty-four hours. I lived there for a while,” Jerry says. He knew he was working against tremendous odds. “At the Hamburger University, they explained to us that a [restaurant] could not break even unless you were doing a volume of about 60,000 a month. And the previous month before I took over, this unit had done 12,000.”
Nevertheless, thanks to hard work and a willingness to learn, Jerry’s profits grew steadily over the next six months. That’s when McDonald’s approached him again. This time they wanted him to take over a floundering restaurant in Portland. Once again, Jerry told them thanks, but he didn’t have any money.
“Okay, we’ll give you that one, too,” they replied. Jerry accepted, and eventually McDonald’s gave him two more restaurants in Washington State.
“So within about 14 to 18 months after we took over the Boise McDonald’s, we had a total of four McDonald’s in three different states,” Jerry says. “Finally, about a year after that, we got an honest to goodness franchise that we did pay for in Reno, Nevada.”
Building My Own Chains
Now that he had discovered the secret to running a successful restaurant, Jerry wanted to purchase still more franchises. But for once, McDonald’s wouldn’t let him. They urged him to focus on making his current restaurants as profitable as possible. Then they would talk about more franchises later. Rather than wait for McDonald’s though, Jerry and his team began searching for a new restaurant concept they could start on their own.
The idea they came up with was called the Royal Fork Buffet. It took the smorgasbord concept to a new level of cleanliness and quality. True to form, the idea was so successful that Jerry eventually opened 48 Royal Fork restaurants in twelve states before selling the chain in the late 1970s.
He jumped back into the restaurant business in the early 1980s, opening up 24 more restaurants. Today, Jerry is gradually shutting down that chain to make way for a new restaurant concept. Never mind the fact that he is in his mid-sixties!
Real Estate Development
While it may appear as if Jerry’s career has focused solely on fast food, he also has a burgeoning second career as a real estate developer. Jerry began acquiring small properties when he started with McDonald’s. Over the years, his real estate holdings have grown substantially. Some of them he subdivides and develops. But when it comes to ranchland - Jerry’s passion - he tends to just holds onto it. The “crown jewel” of Jerry’s holdings is the Half Moon Ranch, which consists of about 100,000 acres. It is a working ranch, home to 1,000 cows. Of course, Jerry sees even this enterprise through the calculating eyes of a businessman. “We are mainly in the cow/calf business. That is where you view the cow as a manufacturing plant and the calf as its product.”
But life on the ranch is not all work. Twice yearly, Jerry and his crew do a good, old fashioned cattle drive as they herd his livestock from the ranch to the mountain pastures and back again.
“Herding cattle is a team sport,” Jerry says. “You have to feel what the other people are doing, where they are, what they are going to do.... It is an extremely difficult job, but it’s a job that everyone wants to do.”
When Jerry isn’t dreaming up new restaurant ideas or running cattle, he and Muriel spend their time volunteering overseas and at home. Over the years, they have dedicated their time and resources to ministry work in Central America, India, Pakistan, Africa, Bangladesh and the United States. Jerry puts as much effort into this sort of work as his profit-driven enterprises because he feels it is just as important, if not more.
“I believe that if someone is in business just for the money but does not give back either some of his money or his life, then he is certainly missing out on a huge blessing.”
The Success Behind the Story
In some ways, Jerry still finds his success somewhat of a mystery. But he is certain of one thing:
“If you are starting a business and want to be successful, one thing I would tell you is to go to the Bible and read and understand the concepts that are put forth there. Not only will these concepts help you to be successful in every way, in the Bible, you will also encounter Jesus. And knowing Jesus will give you far more than any business success ever could, namely, peace and hope.”
With those qualifications in mind, what if the only remotely qualified candidate who responded to your ad was a biology teacher with no previous restaurant or business experience who was barely able to feed and clothe his wife and five children? That, and when he responded to your ad, he thought the job involved flipping burgers, not running the entire restaurant.
Taking a Risk
Few people would do what Ray Kroc did in just such a situation. Not only did he hire Jerry Caven, the aforementioned candidate, he gave Jerry the restaurant for free and another three restaurants besides. Obviously, Kroc saw something in Jerry that made him think the risk was worth it. But before Jerry could accept Kroc’s offer, he had to take a risk of his own: Leave his teaching career, where the pay was low but secure and dive into the volatile restaurant business.
Putting further pressure on Jerry, the Boise franchise that Kroc wanted him to take over had just gone bankrupt and when Jerry’s school found out what Jerry was considering, they told him that if his venture with McDonald’s failed he shouldn’t bother begging to get his old job back. After careful deliberation and prayer with his wife Muriel (as was their habit), Jerry decided Kroc’s offer was too good to refuse. So he resigned his teaching job and set out for “Hamburger University” in Chicago to get a crash course in the burger business.
Once he returned, Jerry literally “moved in” to his new business.
“I actually brought my cot into the basement and stayed there, twenty-four hours. I lived there for a while,” Jerry says. He knew he was working against tremendous odds. “At the Hamburger University, they explained to us that a [restaurant] could not break even unless you were doing a volume of about 60,000 a month. And the previous month before I took over, this unit had done 12,000.”
Nevertheless, thanks to hard work and a willingness to learn, Jerry’s profits grew steadily over the next six months. That’s when McDonald’s approached him again. This time they wanted him to take over a floundering restaurant in Portland. Once again, Jerry told them thanks, but he didn’t have any money.
“Okay, we’ll give you that one, too,” they replied. Jerry accepted, and eventually McDonald’s gave him two more restaurants in Washington State.
“So within about 14 to 18 months after we took over the Boise McDonald’s, we had a total of four McDonald’s in three different states,” Jerry says. “Finally, about a year after that, we got an honest to goodness franchise that we did pay for in Reno, Nevada.”
Building My Own Chains
Now that he had discovered the secret to running a successful restaurant, Jerry wanted to purchase still more franchises. But for once, McDonald’s wouldn’t let him. They urged him to focus on making his current restaurants as profitable as possible. Then they would talk about more franchises later. Rather than wait for McDonald’s though, Jerry and his team began searching for a new restaurant concept they could start on their own.
The idea they came up with was called the Royal Fork Buffet. It took the smorgasbord concept to a new level of cleanliness and quality. True to form, the idea was so successful that Jerry eventually opened 48 Royal Fork restaurants in twelve states before selling the chain in the late 1970s.
He jumped back into the restaurant business in the early 1980s, opening up 24 more restaurants. Today, Jerry is gradually shutting down that chain to make way for a new restaurant concept. Never mind the fact that he is in his mid-sixties!
Real Estate Development
While it may appear as if Jerry’s career has focused solely on fast food, he also has a burgeoning second career as a real estate developer. Jerry began acquiring small properties when he started with McDonald’s. Over the years, his real estate holdings have grown substantially. Some of them he subdivides and develops. But when it comes to ranchland - Jerry’s passion - he tends to just holds onto it. The “crown jewel” of Jerry’s holdings is the Half Moon Ranch, which consists of about 100,000 acres. It is a working ranch, home to 1,000 cows. Of course, Jerry sees even this enterprise through the calculating eyes of a businessman. “We are mainly in the cow/calf business. That is where you view the cow as a manufacturing plant and the calf as its product.”
But life on the ranch is not all work. Twice yearly, Jerry and his crew do a good, old fashioned cattle drive as they herd his livestock from the ranch to the mountain pastures and back again.
“Herding cattle is a team sport,” Jerry says. “You have to feel what the other people are doing, where they are, what they are going to do.... It is an extremely difficult job, but it’s a job that everyone wants to do.”
When Jerry isn’t dreaming up new restaurant ideas or running cattle, he and Muriel spend their time volunteering overseas and at home. Over the years, they have dedicated their time and resources to ministry work in Central America, India, Pakistan, Africa, Bangladesh and the United States. Jerry puts as much effort into this sort of work as his profit-driven enterprises because he feels it is just as important, if not more.
“I believe that if someone is in business just for the money but does not give back either some of his money or his life, then he is certainly missing out on a huge blessing.”
The Success Behind the Story
In some ways, Jerry still finds his success somewhat of a mystery. But he is certain of one thing:
“If you are starting a business and want to be successful, one thing I would tell you is to go to the Bible and read and understand the concepts that are put forth there. Not only will these concepts help you to be successful in every way, in the Bible, you will also encounter Jesus. And knowing Jesus will give you far more than any business success ever could, namely, peace and hope.”
Friday, April 10, 2009

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paypal guide 1
Growing incomes in western societies no longer make us happier, and more individualistic, competitive societies make some of us positively unhappy. Public policy should take its cue once more from Bentham's utilitarianism, unfashionable for many decades but now vindicated by modern neuroscience
Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.
These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.
The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.
Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain it.
Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.
These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.
The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.
Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain it.
paypal guide 2
Build Your Online Business With PayPal
Broaden Your Reach – Offer PayPal to Your Buyers With more than 150 million accounts in 190 countries and regions, PayPal offers a fast, affordable and convenient online payment service for businesses of all sizes.
Use PayPal to receive payments easily and safely. Start accepting credit card payments in minutes.
Reach out to millions of active PayPal buyers by integrating PayPal into your existing e-commerce solution.
The PayPal Business Account features:
• Low cost. No start-up or monthly fees, no cancellation fees, and no minimum payments. Lower transaction fees than other merchant accounts
• Quick setup. Sign up and get started in minutes. No extra software or hardware needed
• Security. As an industry leader in fraud prevention and risk management, PayPal has 60%-70% lower fraud loss rates than other merchant accounts
• Network of buyers. One in three online buyers in the U.S. has a PayPal account, and over 58.000 usersA worldwide sign up for PayPal each day.
Broaden Your Reach – Offer PayPal to Your Buyers With more than 150 million accounts in 190 countries and regions, PayPal offers a fast, affordable and convenient online payment service for businesses of all sizes.
Use PayPal to receive payments easily and safely. Start accepting credit card payments in minutes.
Reach out to millions of active PayPal buyers by integrating PayPal into your existing e-commerce solution.
The PayPal Business Account features:
• Low cost. No start-up or monthly fees, no cancellation fees, and no minimum payments. Lower transaction fees than other merchant accounts
• Quick setup. Sign up and get started in minutes. No extra software or hardware needed
• Security. As an industry leader in fraud prevention and risk management, PayPal has 60%-70% lower fraud loss rates than other merchant accounts
• Network of buyers. One in three online buyers in the U.S. has a PayPal account, and over 58.000 usersA worldwide sign up for PayPal each day.
paypal guide 2
Build Your Online Business With PayPal
Broaden Your Reach – Offer PayPal to Your Buyers With more than 150 million accounts in 190 countries and regions, PayPal offers a fast, affordable and convenient online payment service for businesses of all sizes.
Use PayPal to receive payments easily and safely. Start accepting credit card payments in minutes.
Reach out to millions of active PayPal buyers by integrating PayPal into your existing e-commerce solution.
The PayPal Business Account features:
• Low cost. No start-up or monthly fees, no cancellation fees, and no minimum payments. Lower transaction fees than other merchant accounts
• Quick setup. Sign up and get started in minutes. No extra software or hardware needed
• Security. As an industry leader in fraud prevention and risk management, PayPal has 60%-70% lower fraud loss rates than other merchant accounts
• Network of buyers. One in three online buyers in the U.S. has a PayPal account, and over 58.000 usersA worldwide sign up for PayPal each day.
Broaden Your Reach – Offer PayPal to Your Buyers With more than 150 million accounts in 190 countries and regions, PayPal offers a fast, affordable and convenient online payment service for businesses of all sizes.
Use PayPal to receive payments easily and safely. Start accepting credit card payments in minutes.
Reach out to millions of active PayPal buyers by integrating PayPal into your existing e-commerce solution.
The PayPal Business Account features:
• Low cost. No start-up or monthly fees, no cancellation fees, and no minimum payments. Lower transaction fees than other merchant accounts
• Quick setup. Sign up and get started in minutes. No extra software or hardware needed
• Security. As an industry leader in fraud prevention and risk management, PayPal has 60%-70% lower fraud loss rates than other merchant accounts
• Network of buyers. One in three online buyers in the U.S. has a PayPal account, and over 58.000 usersA worldwide sign up for PayPal each day.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
paypal guide
Growing incomes in western societies no longer make us happier, and more individualistic, competitive societies make some of us positively unhappy. Public policy should take its cue once more from Bentham's utilitarianism, unfashionable for many decades but now vindicated by modern neuroscience
Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.
These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.
The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.
Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain it.
Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.
These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.
The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.
Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain it.
salam to all my friend
Salam to all my friends
Salam buat temen2 kerja di PT SAN MIGUEL PURE FOODS di antaranya: Legini Egie, Deni delon, especially coding team group c, Widyanto, Endang, Mahdi, roby, Ariyanti, EEF, team slice Edy togel, Encik, Vacum team: Bedu, Apin, Bokir. Bang Lukman, Bang Didin dll…
And also to my friends at campus STKIP Kusuma Negara S1 English: Anggie, Dian wulandari, Deden, Octa, especially to Soraya and many more…..
Dan juga untuk tmn2 di STIE Kusuma Negara: Dias, Rina nurhayati, Ronggo, dll…. Semoga hari ini lebih baik dari hari kemarin, Dan Esok lebih baik dari hari ini.. Amin
Name : Muslim Imam
Npm : 20088100312
Subject : Writing 1
Lecturer : Mr. Sulaiman
(original text)
In August 1998, $5 million was invested to obtain a minority shareholding in an Australian manufacturing company, by two well known investment capitalist, Advent Management and Nanyang Management, together with private group.
The investment was expected to be in place for four to six years, with returns within three years.
It is interesting to record some of the things involved in making the deal which left an impression and aided the decision making process for investor.
Change to Paragraph Pattern Approach
This time, $10 million to invest to get a minority shareholding in the United States manufacturing company, by three well known capitalist, Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, and Capital Management, herewith Government Institution.
The investment expect to be in place for five to ten years, with reverts within five years.
It is to record some of things involve to make the deal which leave impression and aid the spontaneous to make process for investor.
Salam buat temen2 kerja di PT SAN MIGUEL PURE FOODS di antaranya: Legini Egie, Deni delon, especially coding team group c, Widyanto, Endang, Mahdi, roby, Ariyanti, EEF, team slice Edy togel, Encik, Vacum team: Bedu, Apin, Bokir. Bang Lukman, Bang Didin dll…
And also to my friends at campus STKIP Kusuma Negara S1 English: Anggie, Dian wulandari, Deden, Octa, especially to Soraya and many more…..
Dan juga untuk tmn2 di STIE Kusuma Negara: Dias, Rina nurhayati, Ronggo, dll…. Semoga hari ini lebih baik dari hari kemarin, Dan Esok lebih baik dari hari ini.. Amin
Name : Muslim Imam
Npm : 20088100312
Subject : Writing 1
Lecturer : Mr. Sulaiman
(original text)
In August 1998, $5 million was invested to obtain a minority shareholding in an Australian manufacturing company, by two well known investment capitalist, Advent Management and Nanyang Management, together with private group.
The investment was expected to be in place for four to six years, with returns within three years.
It is interesting to record some of the things involved in making the deal which left an impression and aided the decision making process for investor.
Change to Paragraph Pattern Approach
This time, $10 million to invest to get a minority shareholding in the United States manufacturing company, by three well known capitalist, Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, and Capital Management, herewith Government Institution.
The investment expect to be in place for five to ten years, with reverts within five years.
It is to record some of things involve to make the deal which leave impression and aid the spontaneous to make process for investor.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
salam to all my friends
Salam to all my friends
Salam buat temen2 kerja di PT SAN MIGUEL PURE FOODS di antaranya: Legini Egie, Deni delon, especially coding team group c, Widyanto, Endang, Mahdi, roby, Ariyanti, EEF, team slice Edy togel, Encik, Vacum team: Bedu, Apin, Bokir. Bang Lukman, Bang Didin dll…
And also to my friends at campus STKIP Kusuma Negara S1 English: Anggie, Dian wulandari, Deden, Octa, especially to Soraya and many more…..
Dan juga untuk tmn2 di STIE Kusuma Negara: Dias, Rina nurhayati, Ronggo, dll…. Semoga hari ini lebih baik dari hari kemarin, Dan Esok lebih baik dari hari ini.. Amin
Name : Muslim Imam
Npm : 20088100312
Subject : Writing 1
Lecturer : Mr. Sulaiman
(original text)
In August 1998, $5 million was invested to obtain a minority shareholding in an Australian manufacturing company, by two well known investment capitalist, Advent Management and Nanyang Management, together with private group.
The investment was expected to be in place for four to six years, with returns within three years.
It is interesting to record some of the things involved in making the deal which left an impression and aided the decision making process for investor.
Change to Paragraph Pattern Approach
This time, $10 million to invest to get a minority shareholding in the United States manufacturing company, by three well known capitalist, Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, and Capital Management, herewith Government Institution.
The investment expect to be in place for five to ten years, with reverts within five years.
It is to record some of things involve to make the deal which leave impression and aid the spontaneous to make process for investor.
Salam buat temen2 kerja di PT SAN MIGUEL PURE FOODS di antaranya: Legini Egie, Deni delon, especially coding team group c, Widyanto, Endang, Mahdi, roby, Ariyanti, EEF, team slice Edy togel, Encik, Vacum team: Bedu, Apin, Bokir. Bang Lukman, Bang Didin dll…
And also to my friends at campus STKIP Kusuma Negara S1 English: Anggie, Dian wulandari, Deden, Octa, especially to Soraya and many more…..
Dan juga untuk tmn2 di STIE Kusuma Negara: Dias, Rina nurhayati, Ronggo, dll…. Semoga hari ini lebih baik dari hari kemarin, Dan Esok lebih baik dari hari ini.. Amin
Name : Muslim Imam
Npm : 20088100312
Subject : Writing 1
Lecturer : Mr. Sulaiman
(original text)
In August 1998, $5 million was invested to obtain a minority shareholding in an Australian manufacturing company, by two well known investment capitalist, Advent Management and Nanyang Management, together with private group.
The investment was expected to be in place for four to six years, with returns within three years.
It is interesting to record some of the things involved in making the deal which left an impression and aided the decision making process for investor.
Change to Paragraph Pattern Approach
This time, $10 million to invest to get a minority shareholding in the United States manufacturing company, by three well known capitalist, Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, and Capital Management, herewith Government Institution.
The investment expect to be in place for five to ten years, with reverts within five years.
It is to record some of things involve to make the deal which leave impression and aid the spontaneous to make process for investor.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
pay pal guide
Build Your Online Business With PayPal
Broaden Your Reach – Offer PayPal to Your Buyers With more than 150 million accounts in 190 countries and regions, PayPal offers a fast, affordable and convenient online payment service for businesses of all sizes.
Use PayPal to receive payments easily and safely. Start accepting credit card payments in minutes.
Reach out to millions of active PayPal buyers by integrating PayPal into your existing e-commerce solution.
The PayPal Business Account features:
• Low cost. No start-up or monthly fees, no cancellation fees, and no minimum payments. Lower transaction fees than other merchant accounts
• Quick setup. Sign up and get started in minutes. No extra software or hardware needed
• Security. As an industry leader in fraud prevention and risk management, PayPal has 60%-70% lower fraud loss rates than other merchant accounts
• Network of buyers. One in three online buyers in the U.S. has a PayPal account, and over 58.000 usersA worldwide sign up for PayPal each day.
Broaden Your Reach – Offer PayPal to Your Buyers With more than 150 million accounts in 190 countries and regions, PayPal offers a fast, affordable and convenient online payment service for businesses of all sizes.
Use PayPal to receive payments easily and safely. Start accepting credit card payments in minutes.
Reach out to millions of active PayPal buyers by integrating PayPal into your existing e-commerce solution.
The PayPal Business Account features:
• Low cost. No start-up or monthly fees, no cancellation fees, and no minimum payments. Lower transaction fees than other merchant accounts
• Quick setup. Sign up and get started in minutes. No extra software or hardware needed
• Security. As an industry leader in fraud prevention and risk management, PayPal has 60%-70% lower fraud loss rates than other merchant accounts
• Network of buyers. One in three online buyers in the U.S. has a PayPal account, and over 58.000 usersA worldwide sign up for PayPal each day.
back to happy
Growing incomes in western societies no longer make us happier, and more individualistic, competitive societies make some of us positively unhappy. Public policy should take its cue once more from Bentham's utilitarianism, unfashionable for many decades but now vindicated by modern neuroscience
Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.
These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.
The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.
Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain
Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.
These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.
The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.
Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain
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