Foex Mart


Saturday, October 31, 2009


Identified obstacle or limitedness that may detain you in realizes your goal, from situation or from yourself. Ask question to your self: “Why I not yet to get this goal?” identified the most important of limitedness which may detain you, and then focused to eliminate your limitedness. That matter has the shape a number of money or pith resources. The thing has the shape plus skill or habit that you need. The thing also has the shape gain information that you need. The thing also has the shape aid from one or more people. No matter what, identified clearly and start work to omit them.

After aim your goal, develop your planning and identified the huge limitedness. As soon as possible take determining action which toward attainment goal. Stride with conviction. Do it first step that appear in your mind. Nevertheless, do it something as soon as possible to start process from attainment goal with move forward.

Do it everyday that make you towards the most important your goal. Build habit to wake-up every morning. Planning your activity that day, and at least one step towards the most important your destination.
Habit to do something everyday that budge you towards. The most important your goal will develop momentum strength inside yourself. Everyday action make deeper your conviction that destination can reach and active Law of Attraction. As a result, you move more close your goal, and your goal begin move faster coming near you.
For several years I have talk with people around the world that have said to me that habit to do one action or more everyday of main their destination, have make their life changed. They tell to me that habit which one more affected to successful who they obtain rather than other idea which have they learned. Try the thing to yourself and proving its result.


Either the most important habit that you can develop is habit to arrange target everyday. Many people I have taught about this, after several years later said to me that strength of this process remarkable!
Arrange daily goal is the humble activity. Take note-book to write your goal and do it along your lifetime. Every morning, before you get activity, open your note-book and begin with new page. Always start by words: “My destination today is… “.
Then write down 10 till 15 priority goal, impressing you have get them. Your unconscious mind just make live by command which state in form “Now Word”, positive, and personal. So, preferable you don’t write your goal like this: “I will reduce my weight body in a month”. Preferable you write: “My body weight on (write date specifically) is x kg.

Remarkable, phenomenal, luar biasa
Impressing, seolah-olah
Move, Budge, actuate, menggerakkan
Build, make
Stride, step, melangkahlah
Nucleus, pith, inti
A number of, sejumlah
Detain, bridle, endure, menahan
Obstacle, impediment, rintangan
Unconscious, subconscious, bawah-sadar
Preferable, better, sebaiknya
Proving, buktikan
Accustom, biasakan
Gain, plus, tambahan
No matter what, anything, apapun
Omit, eliminate, kill menghilangkan
As soon as possible, secepatnya.

Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
These texts I translate to Indonesian Language. Please correct if any mistake. We can learn together if we want to success.

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