You Are What You Done
Thank you because read this book. In the next pages, you will learn several strategy and practical technique and have proven that can be use to get succeed and more happiness every field your life. I want to share with you about thing, as we know “Secret of Success”, who people can do, that ever get anything valuable in their life. While you learn and practice these techniques, you will become the different man.
Definition of success, frequently people request to me to explain the word of success. That definition I like is:
“Success is ability to bring up your life like as you want, to do your freak, with surrounding by people who love and respect”.
In the wider context, success is: ability to get dream, desire, expectation, and your destination in every significant aspect your life.
Although, every from us are unique, and different from many other that ever life, but in general we have four aim or desirability. Inside one until ten scales, with one as the lowest and ten as the highest, you can do evaluation quickly from your life by give value to yourself on four aspects:
1. Hale and healthy.
2. The well relations.
3. To do your like.
4. Get financial independent.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Thing, hal
Frequently, sering kali
To bring up, menghidupkan
Freak, like very much
Hale and healthy, sehat dan bugar
Desirability, longing, keinginan.
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