Foex Mart


Thursday, April 09, 2009

salam to all my friend

Salam to all my friends

Salam buat temen2 kerja di PT SAN MIGUEL PURE FOODS di antaranya: Legini Egie, Deni delon, especially coding team group c, Widyanto, Endang, Mahdi, roby, Ariyanti, EEF, team slice Edy togel, Encik, Vacum team: Bedu, Apin, Bokir. Bang Lukman, Bang Didin dll…

And also to my friends at campus STKIP Kusuma Negara S1 English: Anggie, Dian wulandari, Deden, Octa, especially to Soraya and many more…..

Dan juga untuk tmn2 di STIE Kusuma Negara: Dias, Rina nurhayati, Ronggo, dll…. Semoga hari ini lebih baik dari hari kemarin, Dan Esok lebih baik dari hari ini.. Amin

Name : Muslim Imam
Npm : 20088100312
Subject : Writing 1
Lecturer : Mr. Sulaiman


(original text)
In August 1998, $5 million was invested to obtain a minority shareholding in an Australian manufacturing company, by two well known investment capitalist, Advent Management and Nanyang Management, together with private group.
The investment was expected to be in place for four to six years, with returns within three years.
It is interesting to record some of the things involved in making the deal which left an impression and aided the decision making process for investor.

Change to Paragraph Pattern Approach

This time, $10 million to invest to get a minority shareholding in the United States manufacturing company, by three well known capitalist, Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, and Capital Management, herewith Government Institution.
The investment expect to be in place for five to ten years, with reverts within five years.
It is to record some of things involve to make the deal which leave impression and aid the spontaneous to make process for investor.

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