back to happy
Growing incomes in western societies no longer make us happier, and more individualistic, competitive societies make some of us positively unhappy. Public policy should take its cue once more from Bentham's utilitarianism, unfashionable for many decades but now vindicated by modern neuroscience
Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.
These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.
The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.
Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Salam to all my friends
Salam buat temen2 kerja di PT SAN MIGUEL PURE FOODS di antaranya: Legini Egie, Deni delon, especially coding team group c, Widyanto, Endang, Mahdi, roby, Ariyanti, EEF, team slice Edy togel, Encik, Vacum team: Bedu, Apin, Bokir. Bang Lukman, Bang Didin dll…
And also to my friends at campus STKIP Kusuma Negara S1 English: Anggie, Dian wulandari, Deden, Octa, especially to Soraya and many more…..
Dan juga untuk tmn2 di STIE Kusuma Negara: Dias, Rina nurhayati, Ronggo, dll…. Semoga hari ini lebih baik dari hari kemarin, Dan Esok lebih baik dari hari ini.. Amin
Salam buat temen2 kerja di PT SAN MIGUEL PURE FOODS di antaranya: Legini Egie, Deni delon, especially coding team group c, Widyanto, Endang, Mahdi, roby, Ariyanti, EEF, team slice Edy togel, Encik, Vacum team: Bedu, Apin, Bokir. Bang Lukman, Bang Didin dll…
And also to my friends at campus STKIP Kusuma Negara S1 English: Anggie, Dian wulandari, Deden, Octa, especially to Soraya and many more…..
Dan juga untuk tmn2 di STIE Kusuma Negara: Dias, Rina nurhayati, Ronggo, dll…. Semoga hari ini lebih baik dari hari kemarin, Dan Esok lebih baik dari hari ini.. Amin
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
happiness is back
back to happy
Growing incomes in western societies no longer make us happier, and more individualistic, competitive societies make some of us positively unhappy. Public policy should take its cue once more from Bentham's utilitarianism, unfashionable for many decades but now vindicated by modern neuroscience
Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.
These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.
The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.
Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain
Growing incomes in western societies no longer make us happier, and more individualistic, competitive societies make some of us positively unhappy. Public policy should take its cue once more from Bentham's utilitarianism, unfashionable for many decades but now vindicated by modern neuroscience
Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.
These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.
The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.
Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain
paypal tool
Build Your Online Business With PayPal
Broaden Your Reach – Offer PayPal to Your Buyers With more than 150 million accounts in 190 countries and regions, PayPal offers a fast, affordable and convenient online payment service for businesses of all sizes.
Use PayPal to receive payments easily and safely. Start accepting credit card payments in minutes.
Reach out to millions of active PayPal buyers by integrating PayPal into your existing e-commerce solution.
The PayPal Business Account features:
• Low cost. No start-up or monthly fees, no cancellation fees, and no minimum payments. Lower transaction fees than other merchant accounts
• Quick setup. Sign up and get started in minutes. No extra software or hardware needed
• Security. As an industry leader in fraud prevention and risk management, PayPal has 60%-70% lower fraud loss rates than other merchant accounts
• Network of buyers. One in three online buyers in the U.S. has a PayPal account, and over 58.000 usersA worldwide sign up for PayPal each day.
Broaden Your Reach – Offer PayPal to Your Buyers With more than 150 million accounts in 190 countries and regions, PayPal offers a fast, affordable and convenient online payment service for businesses of all sizes.
Use PayPal to receive payments easily and safely. Start accepting credit card payments in minutes.
Reach out to millions of active PayPal buyers by integrating PayPal into your existing e-commerce solution.
The PayPal Business Account features:
• Low cost. No start-up or monthly fees, no cancellation fees, and no minimum payments. Lower transaction fees than other merchant accounts
• Quick setup. Sign up and get started in minutes. No extra software or hardware needed
• Security. As an industry leader in fraud prevention and risk management, PayPal has 60%-70% lower fraud loss rates than other merchant accounts
• Network of buyers. One in three online buyers in the U.S. has a PayPal account, and over 58.000 usersA worldwide sign up for PayPal each day.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
success in business
If you were Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald’s restaurants, and you were looking for someone to take over a struggling franchise, whom would you choose? Probably someone with experience in the restaurant industry, for starters. Some general business knowledge and possibly even a business degree would also be an asset, as would a strong work ethic, good people skills, and, of course, deep pockets.
With those qualifications in mind, what if the only remotely qualified candidate who responded to your ad was a biology teacher with no previous restaurant or business experience who was barely able to feed and clothe his wife and five children? That, and when he responded to your ad, he thought the job involved flipping burgers, not running the entire restaurant.
Taking a Risk
Few people would do what Ray Kroc did in just such a situation. Not only did he hire Jerry Caven, the aforementioned candidate, he gave Jerry the restaurant for free and another three restaurants besides. Obviously, Kroc saw something in Jerry that made him think the risk was worth it. But before Jerry could accept Kroc’s offer, he had to take a risk of his own: Leave his teaching career, where the pay was low but secure and dive into the volatile restaurant business.
Putting further pressure on Jerry, the Boise franchise that Kroc wanted him to take over had just gone bankrupt and when Jerry’s school found out what Jerry was considering, they told him that if his venture with McDonald’s failed he shouldn’t bother begging to get his old job back. After careful deliberation and prayer with his wife Muriel (as was their habit), Jerry decided Kroc’s offer was too good to refuse. So he resigned his teaching job and set out for “Hamburger University” in Chicago to get a crash course in the burger business.
Once he returned, Jerry literally “moved in” to his new business.
“I actually brought my cot into the basement and stayed there, twenty-four hours. I lived there for a while,” Jerry says. He knew he was working against tremendous odds. “At the Hamburger University, they explained to us that a [restaurant] could not break even unless you were doing a volume of about 60,000 a month. And the previous month before I took over, this unit had done 12,000.”
Nevertheless, thanks to hard work and a willingness to learn, Jerry’s profits grew steadily over the next six months. That’s when McDonald’s approached him again. This time they wanted him to take over a floundering restaurant in Portland. Once again, Jerry told them thanks, but he didn’t have any money.
“Okay, we’ll give you that one, too,” they replied. Jerry accepted, and eventually McDonald’s gave him two more restaurants in Washington State.
“So within about 14 to 18 months after we took over the Boise McDonald’s, we had a total of four McDonald’s in three different states,” Jerry says. “Finally, about a year after that, we got an honest to goodness franchise that we did pay for in Reno, Nevada.”
Building My Own Chains
Now that he had discovered the secret to running a successful restaurant, Jerry wanted to purchase still more franchises. But for once, McDonald’s wouldn’t let him. They urged him to focus on making his current restaurants as profitable as possible. Then they would talk about more franchises later. Rather than wait for McDonald’s though, Jerry and his team began searching for a new restaurant concept they could start on their own.
The idea they came up with was called the Royal Fork Buffet. It took the smorgasbord concept to a new level of cleanliness and quality. True to form, the idea was so successful that Jerry eventually opened 48 Royal Fork restaurants in twelve states before selling the chain in the late 1970s.
He jumped back into the restaurant business in the early 1980s, opening up 24 more restaurants. Today, Jerry is gradually shutting down that chain to make way for a new restaurant concept. Never mind the fact that he is in his mid-sixties!
Real Estate Development
While it may appear as if Jerry’s career has focused solely on fast food, he also has a burgeoning second career as a real estate developer. Jerry began acquiring small properties when he started with McDonald’s. Over the years, his real estate holdings have grown substantially. Some of them he subdivides and develops. But when it comes to ranchland - Jerry’s passion - he tends to just holds onto it. The “crown jewel” of Jerry’s holdings is the Half Moon Ranch, which consists of about 100,000 acres. It is a working ranch, home to 1,000 cows. Of course, Jerry sees even this enterprise through the calculating eyes of a businessman. “We are mainly in the cow/calf business. That is where you view the cow as a manufacturing plant and the calf as its product.”
But life on the ranch is not all work. Twice yearly, Jerry and his crew do a good, old fashioned cattle drive as they herd his livestock from the ranch to the mountain pastures and back again.
“Herding cattle is a team sport,” Jerry says. “You have to feel what the other people are doing, where they are, what they are going to do.... It is an extremely difficult job, but it’s a job that everyone wants to do.”
When Jerry isn’t dreaming up new restaurant ideas or running cattle, he and Muriel spend their time volunteering overseas and at home. Over the years, they have dedicated their time and resources to ministry work in Central America, India, Pakistan, Africa, Bangladesh and the United States. Jerry puts as much effort into this sort of work as his profit-driven enterprises because he feels it is just as important, if not more.
“I believe that if someone is in business just for the money but does not give back either some of his money or his life, then he is certainly missing out on a huge blessing.”
The Success Behind the Story
In some ways, Jerry still finds his success somewhat of a mystery. But he is certain of one thing:
“If you are starting a business and want to be successful, one thing I would tell you is to go to the Bible and read and understand the concepts that are put forth there. Not only will these concepts help you to be successful in every way, in the Bible, you will also encounter Jesus. And knowing Jesus will give you far more than any business success ever could, namely, peace and hope.”
With those qualifications in mind, what if the only remotely qualified candidate who responded to your ad was a biology teacher with no previous restaurant or business experience who was barely able to feed and clothe his wife and five children? That, and when he responded to your ad, he thought the job involved flipping burgers, not running the entire restaurant.
Taking a Risk
Few people would do what Ray Kroc did in just such a situation. Not only did he hire Jerry Caven, the aforementioned candidate, he gave Jerry the restaurant for free and another three restaurants besides. Obviously, Kroc saw something in Jerry that made him think the risk was worth it. But before Jerry could accept Kroc’s offer, he had to take a risk of his own: Leave his teaching career, where the pay was low but secure and dive into the volatile restaurant business.
Putting further pressure on Jerry, the Boise franchise that Kroc wanted him to take over had just gone bankrupt and when Jerry’s school found out what Jerry was considering, they told him that if his venture with McDonald’s failed he shouldn’t bother begging to get his old job back. After careful deliberation and prayer with his wife Muriel (as was their habit), Jerry decided Kroc’s offer was too good to refuse. So he resigned his teaching job and set out for “Hamburger University” in Chicago to get a crash course in the burger business.
Once he returned, Jerry literally “moved in” to his new business.
“I actually brought my cot into the basement and stayed there, twenty-four hours. I lived there for a while,” Jerry says. He knew he was working against tremendous odds. “At the Hamburger University, they explained to us that a [restaurant] could not break even unless you were doing a volume of about 60,000 a month. And the previous month before I took over, this unit had done 12,000.”
Nevertheless, thanks to hard work and a willingness to learn, Jerry’s profits grew steadily over the next six months. That’s when McDonald’s approached him again. This time they wanted him to take over a floundering restaurant in Portland. Once again, Jerry told them thanks, but he didn’t have any money.
“Okay, we’ll give you that one, too,” they replied. Jerry accepted, and eventually McDonald’s gave him two more restaurants in Washington State.
“So within about 14 to 18 months after we took over the Boise McDonald’s, we had a total of four McDonald’s in three different states,” Jerry says. “Finally, about a year after that, we got an honest to goodness franchise that we did pay for in Reno, Nevada.”
Building My Own Chains
Now that he had discovered the secret to running a successful restaurant, Jerry wanted to purchase still more franchises. But for once, McDonald’s wouldn’t let him. They urged him to focus on making his current restaurants as profitable as possible. Then they would talk about more franchises later. Rather than wait for McDonald’s though, Jerry and his team began searching for a new restaurant concept they could start on their own.
The idea they came up with was called the Royal Fork Buffet. It took the smorgasbord concept to a new level of cleanliness and quality. True to form, the idea was so successful that Jerry eventually opened 48 Royal Fork restaurants in twelve states before selling the chain in the late 1970s.
He jumped back into the restaurant business in the early 1980s, opening up 24 more restaurants. Today, Jerry is gradually shutting down that chain to make way for a new restaurant concept. Never mind the fact that he is in his mid-sixties!
Real Estate Development
While it may appear as if Jerry’s career has focused solely on fast food, he also has a burgeoning second career as a real estate developer. Jerry began acquiring small properties when he started with McDonald’s. Over the years, his real estate holdings have grown substantially. Some of them he subdivides and develops. But when it comes to ranchland - Jerry’s passion - he tends to just holds onto it. The “crown jewel” of Jerry’s holdings is the Half Moon Ranch, which consists of about 100,000 acres. It is a working ranch, home to 1,000 cows. Of course, Jerry sees even this enterprise through the calculating eyes of a businessman. “We are mainly in the cow/calf business. That is where you view the cow as a manufacturing plant and the calf as its product.”
But life on the ranch is not all work. Twice yearly, Jerry and his crew do a good, old fashioned cattle drive as they herd his livestock from the ranch to the mountain pastures and back again.
“Herding cattle is a team sport,” Jerry says. “You have to feel what the other people are doing, where they are, what they are going to do.... It is an extremely difficult job, but it’s a job that everyone wants to do.”
When Jerry isn’t dreaming up new restaurant ideas or running cattle, he and Muriel spend their time volunteering overseas and at home. Over the years, they have dedicated their time and resources to ministry work in Central America, India, Pakistan, Africa, Bangladesh and the United States. Jerry puts as much effort into this sort of work as his profit-driven enterprises because he feels it is just as important, if not more.
“I believe that if someone is in business just for the money but does not give back either some of his money or his life, then he is certainly missing out on a huge blessing.”
The Success Behind the Story
In some ways, Jerry still finds his success somewhat of a mystery. But he is certain of one thing:
“If you are starting a business and want to be successful, one thing I would tell you is to go to the Bible and read and understand the concepts that are put forth there. Not only will these concepts help you to be successful in every way, in the Bible, you will also encounter Jesus. And knowing Jesus will give you far more than any business success ever could, namely, peace and hope.”
Friday, April 10, 2009

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paypal guide 1
Growing incomes in western societies no longer make us happier, and more individualistic, competitive societies make some of us positively unhappy. Public policy should take its cue once more from Bentham's utilitarianism, unfashionable for many decades but now vindicated by modern neuroscience
Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.
These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.
The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.
Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain it.
Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.
These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.
The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.
Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain it.
paypal guide 2
Build Your Online Business With PayPal
Broaden Your Reach – Offer PayPal to Your Buyers With more than 150 million accounts in 190 countries and regions, PayPal offers a fast, affordable and convenient online payment service for businesses of all sizes.
Use PayPal to receive payments easily and safely. Start accepting credit card payments in minutes.
Reach out to millions of active PayPal buyers by integrating PayPal into your existing e-commerce solution.
The PayPal Business Account features:
• Low cost. No start-up or monthly fees, no cancellation fees, and no minimum payments. Lower transaction fees than other merchant accounts
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• Network of buyers. One in three online buyers in the U.S. has a PayPal account, and over 58.000 usersA worldwide sign up for PayPal each day.
Broaden Your Reach – Offer PayPal to Your Buyers With more than 150 million accounts in 190 countries and regions, PayPal offers a fast, affordable and convenient online payment service for businesses of all sizes.
Use PayPal to receive payments easily and safely. Start accepting credit card payments in minutes.
Reach out to millions of active PayPal buyers by integrating PayPal into your existing e-commerce solution.
The PayPal Business Account features:
• Low cost. No start-up or monthly fees, no cancellation fees, and no minimum payments. Lower transaction fees than other merchant accounts
• Quick setup. Sign up and get started in minutes. No extra software or hardware needed
• Security. As an industry leader in fraud prevention and risk management, PayPal has 60%-70% lower fraud loss rates than other merchant accounts
• Network of buyers. One in three online buyers in the U.S. has a PayPal account, and over 58.000 usersA worldwide sign up for PayPal each day.
paypal guide 2
Build Your Online Business With PayPal
Broaden Your Reach – Offer PayPal to Your Buyers With more than 150 million accounts in 190 countries and regions, PayPal offers a fast, affordable and convenient online payment service for businesses of all sizes.
Use PayPal to receive payments easily and safely. Start accepting credit card payments in minutes.
Reach out to millions of active PayPal buyers by integrating PayPal into your existing e-commerce solution.
The PayPal Business Account features:
• Low cost. No start-up or monthly fees, no cancellation fees, and no minimum payments. Lower transaction fees than other merchant accounts
• Quick setup. Sign up and get started in minutes. No extra software or hardware needed
• Security. As an industry leader in fraud prevention and risk management, PayPal has 60%-70% lower fraud loss rates than other merchant accounts
• Network of buyers. One in three online buyers in the U.S. has a PayPal account, and over 58.000 usersA worldwide sign up for PayPal each day.
Broaden Your Reach – Offer PayPal to Your Buyers With more than 150 million accounts in 190 countries and regions, PayPal offers a fast, affordable and convenient online payment service for businesses of all sizes.
Use PayPal to receive payments easily and safely. Start accepting credit card payments in minutes.
Reach out to millions of active PayPal buyers by integrating PayPal into your existing e-commerce solution.
The PayPal Business Account features:
• Low cost. No start-up or monthly fees, no cancellation fees, and no minimum payments. Lower transaction fees than other merchant accounts
• Quick setup. Sign up and get started in minutes. No extra software or hardware needed
• Security. As an industry leader in fraud prevention and risk management, PayPal has 60%-70% lower fraud loss rates than other merchant accounts
• Network of buyers. One in three online buyers in the U.S. has a PayPal account, and over 58.000 usersA worldwide sign up for PayPal each day.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
paypal guide
Growing incomes in western societies no longer make us happier, and more individualistic, competitive societies make some of us positively unhappy. Public policy should take its cue once more from Bentham's utilitarianism, unfashionable for many decades but now vindicated by modern neuroscience
Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.
These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.
The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.
Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain it.
Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.
These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.
The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.
Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain it.
salam to all my friend
Salam to all my friends
Salam buat temen2 kerja di PT SAN MIGUEL PURE FOODS di antaranya: Legini Egie, Deni delon, especially coding team group c, Widyanto, Endang, Mahdi, roby, Ariyanti, EEF, team slice Edy togel, Encik, Vacum team: Bedu, Apin, Bokir. Bang Lukman, Bang Didin dll…
And also to my friends at campus STKIP Kusuma Negara S1 English: Anggie, Dian wulandari, Deden, Octa, especially to Soraya and many more…..
Dan juga untuk tmn2 di STIE Kusuma Negara: Dias, Rina nurhayati, Ronggo, dll…. Semoga hari ini lebih baik dari hari kemarin, Dan Esok lebih baik dari hari ini.. Amin
Name : Muslim Imam
Npm : 20088100312
Subject : Writing 1
Lecturer : Mr. Sulaiman
(original text)
In August 1998, $5 million was invested to obtain a minority shareholding in an Australian manufacturing company, by two well known investment capitalist, Advent Management and Nanyang Management, together with private group.
The investment was expected to be in place for four to six years, with returns within three years.
It is interesting to record some of the things involved in making the deal which left an impression and aided the decision making process for investor.
Change to Paragraph Pattern Approach
This time, $10 million to invest to get a minority shareholding in the United States manufacturing company, by three well known capitalist, Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, and Capital Management, herewith Government Institution.
The investment expect to be in place for five to ten years, with reverts within five years.
It is to record some of things involve to make the deal which leave impression and aid the spontaneous to make process for investor.
Salam buat temen2 kerja di PT SAN MIGUEL PURE FOODS di antaranya: Legini Egie, Deni delon, especially coding team group c, Widyanto, Endang, Mahdi, roby, Ariyanti, EEF, team slice Edy togel, Encik, Vacum team: Bedu, Apin, Bokir. Bang Lukman, Bang Didin dll…
And also to my friends at campus STKIP Kusuma Negara S1 English: Anggie, Dian wulandari, Deden, Octa, especially to Soraya and many more…..
Dan juga untuk tmn2 di STIE Kusuma Negara: Dias, Rina nurhayati, Ronggo, dll…. Semoga hari ini lebih baik dari hari kemarin, Dan Esok lebih baik dari hari ini.. Amin
Name : Muslim Imam
Npm : 20088100312
Subject : Writing 1
Lecturer : Mr. Sulaiman
(original text)
In August 1998, $5 million was invested to obtain a minority shareholding in an Australian manufacturing company, by two well known investment capitalist, Advent Management and Nanyang Management, together with private group.
The investment was expected to be in place for four to six years, with returns within three years.
It is interesting to record some of the things involved in making the deal which left an impression and aided the decision making process for investor.
Change to Paragraph Pattern Approach
This time, $10 million to invest to get a minority shareholding in the United States manufacturing company, by three well known capitalist, Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, and Capital Management, herewith Government Institution.
The investment expect to be in place for five to ten years, with reverts within five years.
It is to record some of things involve to make the deal which leave impression and aid the spontaneous to make process for investor.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
salam to all my friends
Salam to all my friends
Salam buat temen2 kerja di PT SAN MIGUEL PURE FOODS di antaranya: Legini Egie, Deni delon, especially coding team group c, Widyanto, Endang, Mahdi, roby, Ariyanti, EEF, team slice Edy togel, Encik, Vacum team: Bedu, Apin, Bokir. Bang Lukman, Bang Didin dll…
And also to my friends at campus STKIP Kusuma Negara S1 English: Anggie, Dian wulandari, Deden, Octa, especially to Soraya and many more…..
Dan juga untuk tmn2 di STIE Kusuma Negara: Dias, Rina nurhayati, Ronggo, dll…. Semoga hari ini lebih baik dari hari kemarin, Dan Esok lebih baik dari hari ini.. Amin
Name : Muslim Imam
Npm : 20088100312
Subject : Writing 1
Lecturer : Mr. Sulaiman
(original text)
In August 1998, $5 million was invested to obtain a minority shareholding in an Australian manufacturing company, by two well known investment capitalist, Advent Management and Nanyang Management, together with private group.
The investment was expected to be in place for four to six years, with returns within three years.
It is interesting to record some of the things involved in making the deal which left an impression and aided the decision making process for investor.
Change to Paragraph Pattern Approach
This time, $10 million to invest to get a minority shareholding in the United States manufacturing company, by three well known capitalist, Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, and Capital Management, herewith Government Institution.
The investment expect to be in place for five to ten years, with reverts within five years.
It is to record some of things involve to make the deal which leave impression and aid the spontaneous to make process for investor.
Salam buat temen2 kerja di PT SAN MIGUEL PURE FOODS di antaranya: Legini Egie, Deni delon, especially coding team group c, Widyanto, Endang, Mahdi, roby, Ariyanti, EEF, team slice Edy togel, Encik, Vacum team: Bedu, Apin, Bokir. Bang Lukman, Bang Didin dll…
And also to my friends at campus STKIP Kusuma Negara S1 English: Anggie, Dian wulandari, Deden, Octa, especially to Soraya and many more…..
Dan juga untuk tmn2 di STIE Kusuma Negara: Dias, Rina nurhayati, Ronggo, dll…. Semoga hari ini lebih baik dari hari kemarin, Dan Esok lebih baik dari hari ini.. Amin
Name : Muslim Imam
Npm : 20088100312
Subject : Writing 1
Lecturer : Mr. Sulaiman
(original text)
In August 1998, $5 million was invested to obtain a minority shareholding in an Australian manufacturing company, by two well known investment capitalist, Advent Management and Nanyang Management, together with private group.
The investment was expected to be in place for four to six years, with returns within three years.
It is interesting to record some of the things involved in making the deal which left an impression and aided the decision making process for investor.
Change to Paragraph Pattern Approach
This time, $10 million to invest to get a minority shareholding in the United States manufacturing company, by three well known capitalist, Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, and Capital Management, herewith Government Institution.
The investment expect to be in place for five to ten years, with reverts within five years.
It is to record some of things involve to make the deal which leave impression and aid the spontaneous to make process for investor.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
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Broaden Your Reach – Offer PayPal to Your Buyers With more than 150 million accounts in 190 countries and regions, PayPal offers a fast, affordable and convenient online payment service for businesses of all sizes.
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The PayPal Business Account features:
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back to happy
Growing incomes in western societies no longer make us happier, and more individualistic, competitive societies make some of us positively unhappy. Public policy should take its cue once more from Bentham's utilitarianism, unfashionable for many decades but now vindicated by modern neuroscience
Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.
These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.
The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.
Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain
Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. But surveys show otherwise. When Britons or Americans are asked how happy they are, they report no improvement over the last 50 years. More people suffer from depression, and crime - another indicator of dissatisfaction - is also much higher.
These facts challenge many of the priorities we have set ourselves both as societies and as individuals. The truth is that we are in a situation previously unknown to man. When most people exist near the breadline, material progress does indeed make them happier. People in the rich world (above, say, $20,000 a head per year) are happier than people in poorer countries, and people in poor countries do become happier as they become richer. But when material discomfort has been banished, extra income becomes much less important than our relationships with each other: with family, with friends and in the community. The danger is that we sacrifice relationships too much in pursuit of higher income.
The desire to be happy is central to our nature. And, following the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, I want a society in which people are as happy as possible and in which each person's happiness counts equally. That should be the philosophy for our age, the guide for public policy and for individual action. And it should come to replace the intense individualism which has failed to make us happier.
Utilitarianism has, however, been out of fashion for several generations, partly because of the belief that happiness was too unfathomable. In recent years, that has begun to change. The "science" of happiness, which has emerged in the US in the last 20 years, supports the idea that happiness is an objective dimension of experience. (One of its fathers, Daniel Kahneman, won the 2002 Nobel prize in economics.) At every instant we feel good or bad, on a scale that runs from misery to bliss. Our feeling good or bad is affected by many factors, running from physical comfort to our inner sense of meaning. What matters is the totality of our happiness over months and years, not just passing pleasures. The new science may enable us to measure this and try to explain
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