Make habit to connect only with people you like, admire, respect, and to obsession. Do not drink coffee with people coincidently in rest room. Do not go out to lunch with people coincidently sit near from you. Do not to socialization after office hour with whomever that invited you. You must thorough and clear of people that you allowed to affect you in mind and feeling, about opinion and their conversation.
Dr. David McClelland from Harvard finding that “class reference” you will determine 95 percent from your successful and your failure life. Your class reference is people that usually correlate with and assuming you part of them. They can part of your big family: your job partner, or member of politic party, church, or social organization. In actually, “people that a sort of assemble together”. In other word as speaker that gives motivation, Zig Ziglar said:” you cannot fly with eagle if you continue to scratch with gobbler.”
Do not miss it in the next chapter.
Gobbler, turkey, kalkun
Hawk, elang
Eagle, rajawali
Assemble, come together
Correlate, berhubungan
Office hour, jam kerja
Coincidently, secara kebetulan
Admire, kagumi
In other word, or
A sort of, of kind, sejenis
Part, member, anggota
Clear, jernih
Thorough, careful, teliti