Make habit to connect only with people you like, admire, respect, and to obsession. Do not drink coffee with people coincidently in rest room. Do not go out to lunch with people coincidently sit near from you. Do not to socialization after office hour with whomever that invited you. You must thorough and clear of people that you allowed to affect you in mind and feeling, about opinion and their conversation.
Dr. David Mc Clelland from Harvard finding that “class reference” you will determine 95 percent from your successful and your failure life. Your class reference is people that usually correlate with and assuming you part of them. They can part of your big family: your job partner, or member of politic party, church, or social organization. In actually, “people that a sort of assemble together”. In other word as speaker that gives motivation, Zig Ziglar said:” you cannot fly with eagle if you continue to scratch with gobbler.”
Do not miss it in the next chapter.
Gobbler, turkey, kalkun
Hawk, elang
Eagle, rajawali
Assemble, come together
Correlate, berhubungan
Office hour, jam kerja
Coincidently, secara kebetulan
Admire, kagumi
In other word, or
A sort of, of kind, sejenis
Part, member, anggota
Clear, jernih
Thorough, careful, teliti
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Give Your Brain Input Mental Protein
Develop habit to give input to your brain by mental positively food. Remember, you very sensitive to affect of suggestion inside your environment, that goodness radio, television, newspaper, magazine, leaflet, or discussion with other people. Your brain is the most important and valuable. You must protect and guards it so that clean, clear, and focus on what you want, rather than abandon it impure by negative affect on surrounding you.
Avoid seeing terror and garbage of television; avoid reading about murder, robbery, rapist, and tragedy from newspaper. Avoid listening radio comment for hours about all problems in modern world. Avoid involving in discussion that never ending with other people about social problems, politic in state or your community. Keep your mind stay clean, clear, positive, and free.
You are not only become what you think, but also you become what you input in your mind gradually. If you want to be positive, optimism, and happy. Give your brain input continuously by books and positive articles, input positive information from another expert in your field, and positive discussion with another people and that oriented to goal toward one place in their life.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Input (noun/verb), masukan
That goodness, baik itu
Leaflet, papan reklame
Guard it, keep, menjaga
Impure, tercemar
Garbage, trash
Rapist, pemerkosaan
Mix up with, involve
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Avoid seeing terror and garbage of television; avoid reading about murder, robbery, rapist, and tragedy from newspaper. Avoid listening radio comment for hours about all problems in modern world. Avoid involving in discussion that never ending with other people about social problems, politic in state or your community. Keep your mind stay clean, clear, positive, and free.
You are not only become what you think, but also you become what you input in your mind gradually. If you want to be positive, optimism, and happy. Give your brain input continuously by books and positive articles, input positive information from another expert in your field, and positive discussion with another people and that oriented to goal toward one place in their life.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Input (noun/verb), masukan
That goodness, baik itu
Leaflet, papan reklame
Guard it, keep, menjaga
Impure, tercemar
Garbage, trash
Rapist, pemerkosaan
Mix up with, involve
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Everyone basically is formed by himself. Your figure now probably was determined by experienced in your childhood, but your figure nowadays, your figure that you want obviously in your control. The big principle “you are what you think every time” refer what you think today, or your mind in the future which you determine your fate. Whoever you are now and whoever you later on, determine by mind inside yourself every time. Moreover, you fully control the mind whenever you decide it.
You become optimist with control dialogue in yourself, conversation with yourself. Decide from now to develop habit to talk with yourself positively. Say something to yourself like this: “I like with myself!” say: “I can do it!” if someone ask question to you: “what do you feel today?” always answer with: “I am very good” while you think your job, repeat to yourself: “I love with my job! I like with my job!”
The most of psychologist think that 95% your emotion determine by all about you think and the words you say to yourself along your days. Use self-discipline and your restraint to think and talk about something hat you want, from at you head full of something that you do not wish or you doubt and daunt.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Decide it, bertekadlah
Later on, eventually, nantinya
Determine, ditentukan
Daunt, fear, takuti
Think, feel, merasa
Restraint, control, pengendalian
From at, dari pada
You become optimist with control dialogue in yourself, conversation with yourself. Decide from now to develop habit to talk with yourself positively. Say something to yourself like this: “I like with myself!” say: “I can do it!” if someone ask question to you: “what do you feel today?” always answer with: “I am very good” while you think your job, repeat to yourself: “I love with my job! I like with my job!”
The most of psychologist think that 95% your emotion determine by all about you think and the words you say to yourself along your days. Use self-discipline and your restraint to think and talk about something hat you want, from at you head full of something that you do not wish or you doubt and daunt.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Decide it, bertekadlah
Later on, eventually, nantinya
Determine, ditentukan
Daunt, fear, takuti
Think, feel, merasa
Restraint, control, pengendalian
From at, dari pada
Friday, December 04, 2009
Obviously, “Idea is something that real” and constitute a certain which strong if you combined unanimous goal, persistent, and strong desire that implemented by has been formed wealthy, another property.
If you begin to think to develop wealthy, you will see that the wealthy start from the mind state. By mean of conviction will get the goal, with little work or no hard work. You and everybody had to be concerned how to a way get the mind state which will attract the wealthy.
Anything what you think and you believe it certain be able to get. Desire: the first point from all success.
The first step toward the wealthy: No border for mind unless what which our admit. The wealthy and poverty are result kid from mind.
Visualization and conviction grow desire. The second step toward the wealthy. Conviction is mind state which could be stimulated or created, by affirmative or continue instruction on unconscious mind, through self suggestion principal.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Admit, confess, akui
Provisioning, state, keadaan
Has been formed, wujud
Unanimous, circle, bulat
A certain, something, sesuatu
Constitute, merupakan
By mean of, by, with
Conviction, firm believe
Will, about to
Be concerned, interesting
Result, focus, buah
If you begin to think to develop wealthy, you will see that the wealthy start from the mind state. By mean of conviction will get the goal, with little work or no hard work. You and everybody had to be concerned how to a way get the mind state which will attract the wealthy.
Anything what you think and you believe it certain be able to get. Desire: the first point from all success.
The first step toward the wealthy: No border for mind unless what which our admit. The wealthy and poverty are result kid from mind.
Visualization and conviction grow desire. The second step toward the wealthy. Conviction is mind state which could be stimulated or created, by affirmative or continue instruction on unconscious mind, through self suggestion principal.
Don’t miss it in the next chapters.
Admit, confess, akui
Provisioning, state, keadaan
Has been formed, wujud
Unanimous, circle, bulat
A certain, something, sesuatu
Constitute, merupakan
By mean of, by, with
Conviction, firm believe
Will, about to
Be concerned, interesting
Result, focus, buah
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